Break out the Blue & White! Support our Eagles as they play in the 5A State Semi-Finals!

5000 Boyertown Pike | Reading, PA 19606
(610) 406-4580
x8002 Charlie Payne, Principal
x8000 Karla Tryon, Attendance Secretary
x8004 Andrea Williams, Secretary
x8031 Paola Cordova, School Counselor K-2
x8141 Emily Perri, School Counselor 3-4
x8032 Joanne Miano, Psychologist
x8006 Susan Templin
x8016 Kristin Kenagy
x8207 Meghan Motze
x8203 Melissa Murphy
x8205 Karen Okonski
x8201 Christine Vogt
x8206 Wendy Warchol
x8225 Stephanie Arnold
x8226 Francine Daniels
x8216 Cristina Stoudt
x8223 Amy Wright
x8224 Catherine Zervanos
x8234 Meghan Bezler
x8235 Marjorie Haines
x8215 Thomas Hirshorn
x8236 Danielle Jupina
x8237 Kimberly Smith
x8122 Brooke Beane
x8124 Joseph Bertolet
x8121 Stephanie Douglas
x8123 Kristen McBride
x8114 Carole Moyer
x8132 Alisse Auchenbach
x8148 Marie Clark
x8134 Steven Dibler
x8133 Alexandra Schlotzhauer
x8135 Karina Tramont
x8249 Tina Greth, Reading Specialist
x8146 Tiffany Mell, Reading Specialist
x8246 Jennifer Schuster, Reading Specialist
x8232 Dana Caron, Life Skills
x8125 Jennifer Elliott, Learning Support
x8131 Erika Moyer, Learning Support
x8214 Taylor Schollenberger, Learning Support
x8245 Kathleen Walker, Gifted
x8221 Jill Weaver, Life Skills
x8410 Diana Bogust, Physical Education
x8441 Britta Hyneman, Art
x8423 Amanda Mrenna, Music
x8415 Emily Reppert, Instrumental Music
x8014 Allison Swoyer, Library
x8417 Jessica Dimitriadis, Occupational & Physical Therapist
x8248 Sydney Manwiller, Speech Therapist
x8417 Monika Touri, Occupational & Physical Therapist