The ETSD Board of School Directors have called a special voting meeting on Sunday, January 2, 2022 to discuss the Health & Safety Plan. This meeting will be held at the Lausch Administration Building. To view the agenda and watch the meeting online, please follow the appropriate links on our website at
Exeter Launches New District Website

Featuring a news-forward focus, a clean design and community-centered content, the District launched a new website this month at the URL-friendly to refresh its online presence. New features include a day-of-the-week widget to help parents and students remember the cycle day, a consistent menu from school-to-school, a news-centered splash page with news, events and social media/ParentSquare feeds, a Community Bulletin Board for local organizations to post their registrations and events, and a grade/department-centered fly-out directory on each school's page to make it easier for you to find teachers and staff. Please make sure you click on the SCHOOLS tab to check out your school's respective site!
We're continuing to make adjustments to our mobile-friendly version and have a few other tweaks/improvements in the works, but we're eager to hear your feedback or suggestions! Please feel free to email with features you'd like to see, which may be included in a future update!
Mask Update
Dear Exeter Families,
The Pennsylvania State Supreme Court struck down Pennsylvania’s school mask mandate yesterday, effectively ending masking requirements in PA public schools. At this time, the Exeter Township Board of School Directors has mandated that staff and students continue to wear masks until December 15th. On Wednesday, December 15th, staff, students and visitors may choose to wear or not wear masks in all school buildings. The District will continue to ask students who are visiting the school nurse to wear a mask, and will provide one if requested. Masks will continue to be required to be worn on school buses as per federal TSA requirements.
At a future date, the government or the Board of School Directors could reimpose masking requirements. Please continue to monitor school communication for updates.
Thank you for your continued cooperation.
Break out the Blue & White! Support our Eagles as they play in the 5A State Semi-Finals!

Exeter teams with local groups to help distribute 57 Thanksgiving boxes to those in need

If you’d be interested in supporting one of these worthwhile causes to help students in need in the district, please consider making a donation to the Student Outreach fund at the Exeter Community Education Foundation. You can learn more here:
Exeter wins BCIAA’s Sportsmanship Award

Athletic Director Tom Legath was presented with the Berks County Interscholastic Athletic Association’s Sportsmanship Award on Monday, which is voted on by a committee of athletic directors and coaches throughout Berks County. Superintendent Dr. Kimberly Minor made the announcement during this week's Board of School Director's meeting: “I am extremely proud of this trophy,” she said. “During a year that will likely go down in history… where the world struggled with civility and manners and courtesy, our students rose above all of that and time and again at home games and away games they demonstrated to coaches around the county and athletic directors around the county that our Exeter students are the best of the best when it comes to sportsmanship.” Congratulations to all of our coaches, athletes, parents and supporters for this distinguished honor!