Junior High
Health & Safety Update: Contact Tracing
As you are aware, over the last few weeks Berks County’s COVID-19 positivity rate has more than doubled due to the highly transmissible Omicron variant. During this time, more people than ever before are COVID-19 positive in the Exeter community with multiple opportunities to become infected with this contagious illness both in and out of school buildings.
As we continue to count, monitor, report and contact trace COVID-19 rates in our school district, we have decided to discontinue personal phone calls to parents who have children who have been identified as a close contact of someone at school who tested positive for COVID-19 and continue with parent outreach and notification via ParentSquare. Please know that parents will receive a detailed email, a text and a recorded phone call with information about their child’s exposure, COVID-19 symptoms to look for, and quarantine options. As always, parents will also be encouraged to call the school nurse or their building principal should they have further concerns or questions.
Reducing the number of calls that our principals and nursing staff are making daily will allow them to get back to what they do best: Work with and care for your children when they’re at school.
We appreciate your continued support. Thank you.
Registration for Spring Sport Physicals Now Available
Registration for Spring Sports Physicals is now open. Physicals will take place on Wednesday, February 16, 2022 from 6PM to 8PM at Commonwealth Orthopedic Associates, 11 Fairlane Road in Exeter.
To register, please complete the following steps:
- Make a spring sports physical exam appointment HERE
- Please bring exact change or check for $20 to the appointment. Your check can be made payable to ETSD with the athlete's name, grade, and sport on memo line.
BEFORE your appointment, you've successfully registered for the spring sport on PlanetHS.com. Please remember that all student athletes must register themselves on PlanetHS.com, and link accounts with their parent/guardian prior to the official sports start date (independent of this appointment process for physicals). Please do not create more than one student account per student as it will disable your existing accounts and you'll need to contact schoolsupport@nullplaneths.com for help. - You've pre-printed PIAA Section 6 Health History form (completed before arrival) and a blank PIAA Section 7 Physical Exam Form. You can print this from PlanetHS.com once you've successfully registered at PlanetHS.com. To do so, please go into Athletic Forms, fill out Section 6, then while on that page click on Print/Upload, then click Print. The above forms will print. There will be no printing available on-site.
- You've brought and are wearing a mask that covers your nose and mouth at all times while inside the COA building.
Please set aside at least 15 minutes to register for the sport with your student on PlanetHS.com.
Following the exam, all athletes are responsible for uploading their Section 7 to their PlanetHS portal. All other forms (Sections 1-6 & Emergency Info) should be completed online, not uploaded pictures of them. Paper copies will not be accepted. Only PIAA Section 7 Physical Exam forms will be approved. No DOH drivers license exam forms, nor well child visit reports will be approved.
If you experience trouble using PlanetHS, please contact support service at schoolsupport@nullplaneths.com - Exeter Township Athletics staff are unable to assist in this process.
The staff who approves and denies forms will begin working on this process at approximately 1PM daily upon their arrival.
Please upload and complete your forms prior to the deadline dates listed below:
- SHS day 1 - March 7th (deadline to submit March 1)
- JHS day 1 - March 21st (deadline to submit March 15)
Thank you.
ETSD will be using a Flexible Instruction Day today, 1/20/2022
Today, all schools in the Exeter Township School District will utilize a Flexible Instruction Day (FID). The day will count as a school day; however, students will not report to their school buildings. Instead, they will complete their school work from home. For attendance purposes, students are required to log onto their building website and report their attendance from this link: https://www.exetersd.org/fid
Students in grades 4-12 should log onto Schoology for each of their classes to receive their assignments for the day. These assignments will be posted by 9AM. Students in grades K-3 he received FID assignments from their teachers and should complete the assignments for FID Day #1. These assignments are also available at the link above.
Teachers will have a dedicated office hour that they will communicate to students and answer questions throughout the day via email and voicemail.
Enjoy the day, and please stay safe.
Exeter to host COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Clinic
The Exeter Township School District will partner with Walmart to host a Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Clinic for people 12 years old and older on Wednesday, January 19, 2022 from 3PM to 7PM at the Reiffton School, located at 4355 Dunham Drive, Reading, PA 19606. To receive a Pfizer booster, recipients should have completed their Pfizer vaccine 5+ months ago, Moderna vaccine 6+ months ago or Johnson & Johnson vaccine 2+ months ago. The Pfizer booster will be administered at this clinic regardless of which vaccine series was initially completed.
Attendees are reminded to bring their vaccine card, insurance card and ID to the appointment. The booster will be administered free of charge.
To be considered fully vaccinated to avoid quarantine for a household exposure, currently, the Exeter Township School District requires students or staff to have received a booster shot if they competed 2 doses of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine more than 6+ months ago, or received a Johnson & Johnson vaccine more than 2+ months ago.
To register, please reserve an appointment here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0f4aa8a823a7fbc25-covid19
Kindergarten Registration Opens on January 24 – March 28, 2022
Kindergarten enrollment for the Class of 2035 will begin on Monday, January 24 through March 28. 2022. Incoming kindergarten students must be 5 years old on August 31, 2022 to be eligible to enter kindergarten in the Exeter Township School District.
Enrollment is online at www.exetersd.org/kindergarten. Parents will want to have the following paperwork available before they begin the registration process:
Proof of Age
One of the following required:
- Birth certificate
- Passport or Visa
One of the following required:
- Immunization records (if downloading from the Tower Health App, please go to the Preventative Care Screen, Health Summary and click on the printer icon at the top. This will ensure your child's full name and date of birth appear on the printout).
Proof of Residency
Category A (one required):
- Property deed
- Current mortgage statement or property tax bill
- Settlement sheet
- Current lease agreement
Category B (one required):
- Current utility bill
- Current insurance bill or statement
- Post office street change form with confirmation number
- Recent paystub with address
- Current bill or receipt with address
Optional Documents
Not required, but encouraged:
- Parent/guardian driver's license or photo ID
- Custody paperwork
- Court documentation
Optional Forms
These forms are only required if they apply to your situation. Please also visit our Health Services and Transportation Department pages for any additional forms you may need.
More information will follow registration regarding kindergarten visitation and orientation activities.
Parents who have questions or need assistance with registration or uploading documents, can contact Wendy Savidge (610-898-9565) or Kathleen Kardoley (610-779-0700 ext. 1302).
We look forward to welcoming our newest Eagles in the fall of 2022!