During the ETSD Board of School Directors' April 19th Voting Meeting, Dr. Eric Flamm, Director of Teaching and Learning, presented the District’s updated Comprehensive Plan, which must be submitted to the state by August. The plan has undergone enhancements since it was initially presented as a draft in the fall. The plan is available for public review by clicking HERE and scrolling to the bottom row of buttons.
What’s a Comprehensive Plan?
Sometimes known as a “strategic plan,” a Comprehensive Plan lays out the District’s mission, vision, values and priorities by creating very specific steps and timelines to reach those goals. In education, these plans may include curriculum choices, benchmark and diagnostic assessment tools (e.g., testing), professional development plans, etc. A comprehensive plan looks at the District’s strengths and weaknesses as guideposts for development of the plan.
Why does it matter?
The Comprehensive Plan provides measurable goals and timelines to guide all of the District’s work with stakeholders: students, staff, administration, parents and the community. In short, decisions by the Administration and Board revolve around whether the outcome is in alignment with the Comprehensive Plan.
Can I review this plan and make comments on it?
Yes! The plan is available HERE. There are also paper copies of the plan in each building as well as at the Exeter Community Library. The public has the opportunity to review and make comments on the plan for 30 days. During the ETSD Board of School Directors Committee of the Whole meeting on June 7th at 6PM, Dr. Flamm will provide a report to the Board on public commentary before the Board votes on the approval of the plan at a later meeting.
To provide feedback, please contact Dr. Eric Flamm at epflamm@nullexetersd.org or 610-779-0700 x1030.