Parent tips:
At home:
- Be certain that your child attends school each day and gets enough sleep at night.
- Encourage your child's success and effort by talking to him or her about school.
- Provide a designated homework space for your child.
- Take your child to the library and read together every night - just 10 minutes a day makes an importance difference!
- Follow the teacher's suggestions for helping your child at home.
- Read and discuss the parent-school compact your child brings home.
At school:
- Visit your child's school and meet the teachers, including the Title I teacher.
- Discuss your child's progress with the teachers.
- Participate in Title I family activities and workshops.
- Volunteer to serve as a Parent Advisory Council representative.
- Read and respond to ParentSquare messages and surveys from. your child's classroom and Title I teachers.
- Attend Title I parent meetings to assist the school staff in designing, implementing, evaluating and improving the program.

Lorane and Jacksonwald Elementary schools are two schools in the Exeter Township School District that receive Title I federal funding to provide supplemental instruction for students based upon their academic needs. Title I funds for a school district are based on a state formula that is calculated by the number of students from economically-disadvantaged homes and then are provided to students in these identified schools. The goal of Title I is to increase student performance and academic achievement.
For more information about Title I, please visit our Federal Programs page or reach out to Joshua Hoyt, Ed.D., Director of Teaching & Learning, through email or phone at 610-779-0700.