Certainly no spelling SLOUCHES were on DISPLAY this afternoon at Reiffton as 5th and 6th grade CRONIES correctly spelled word after word in 27 INNINGS during this year’s Spelling Bee. After the PANDEMIC, you might think that students wouldn’t be DEVOURING spelling competitions, but these talented Reiffton students didn’t EBB their enthusiasm or JINX each other and BROACHED the Bee with WONDER and POTENTIAL as they LIMBERED through an hour of intense spelling competition.
In the end, all but one flew the COOP as he or she accidentally SWITCHEROOED a letter or made a DEVIATION in the correct spelling of his or her given word, leaving 6th grader Jonathan Torres the winner when he mentally SCRAWLED “ENAMEL” in his head and spelled it out loud correctly for the judges.
We wish all of Reiffton’s Spelling Bee participants an ENCOMPASSING congratulations! They are (from left to right):
- Nora Larosse, runner-up
- Chiamaka Okpokwu
- Paden Karpew
- Jonathan Torres, winner
- Landon Putt
- Drew Roth
Please also help us wish Jonathan the best as he hits the early APEX of his spelling career when he goes on to compete in the 3rd Annual Diamond City Regional Spelling Bee in Wilkes-Barre in March.