1. Monday October 11 is a district in-service day and no work will be assigned to students for that day and it will show as "vacation" in the Pearson calendar. Enjoy the long weekend. I will be available all day Monday for meetings.
2. IMPORTANT: MID PROGRESS REPORTS: Mid progress reports will NOT be mailed or emailed . ALL parents/guardians should login to the online Pearson system and review students grades and progress. We are halfway through the first quarter. Be careful as the grades only reflect the work completed and do include the assignments that are past due. Make sure to review the grade and then the gradebook for past due assignments. Below is a video that shows what to do. If you have any questions or can't get in please contact me at 610-823-7268 or djwilchek@nullexetersd.org and will get you into your account or we can go over it together.
Review this video below that shows how to review grades and work progress.
3. 7th and 8th grade students, parents/guardians please review the email that was sent Thursday the 7th at 4pm for information about your Career Exploration Class and alternative assignments.
4. Students pictures times:
- SHS: October 21, 8:00 AM -9:10 AM
- JHS: October 18, 7:30 AM-9:30 AM
- Reiffton: September 23 12:35 PM-1:20 PM. (if you missed this and want pictures taken, please let me know)
- Jacksonwald: October 5 (call the front office to confirm a time (610) 779-1820)
- Owatin- October 13 (call the front office to confirm a time (610) 406-4580)
- Lorane- September 29 (call the front office to confirm a time (610) 582-8608)
5. All attendance questions, requests and excuses can be emailed directly to cyberattendance@nullexetersd.org,
This message along with past messages are posted on the Exeter Cyber academy portal page https://www.exeter.k12.pa.us/cyberstudent
Mr. Wilchek