Exeter Cyber Academy is a collaboration between Exeter Township School District and Pearson Online and Blended Learning, which is a dedicated online academy staffed with highly skilled, specially-trained, PA-state certified teachers to deliver an outstanding cyber education to students of all abilities. Exeter teachers will be used as much as possible and when appropriate, but our collaboration with Pearson Connections will allow us to support all students, offer an expanded course catalog, and deliver the quality education that Exeter families expect.
Yes! If you attend Exeter Cyber Academy you will receive an Exeter Township School District diploma. Additionally, you will be eligible to take part in the school's graduation ceremony and be eligible for student awards and scholarships that are offered exclusively to Exeter students.
Students who attend any other cyber charter school will receive a diploma from that school and not Exeter.
All other cyber charter schools have lower scores in English and language arts, math, School Performance Profile (SPP), and US News and World Report College Readiness as compared to an Exeter-based education. To see a breakdown of each school and scores, please view this document.
Exeter Cyber Academy is part of Exeter Township School District and is free to attend for Exeter students who reside within the district.
Yes. However, your school taxes pay for an Exeter student's tuition at a third-party cyber charter school outside of the district. Currently, the Exeter Township School District pays anywhere from $12,579.67 to $32,610.63 per year for an individual Exeter student to attend a non-Exeter cyber charter school. During the 2020-21 school year, this amount equaled nearly $2 million.
When you choose Exeter Cyber Academy over another cyber charter school, your student is not only receiving a better quality education with superior support and opportunities, you are also keeping your tax dollars right here in Exeter with fiscal oversight and representation from your locally-elected school board officials.