ETSD Board of School Directors Looks to Fill Open Seat

699 Rittenhouse Drive | Reading, PA 19606
(610) 582-8608
x4002 Jennifer Cooke, Principal
x4001 Jen Hemstreet, Secretary
x4000 Adele Reilly, Attendance Secretary
x4006 Kaley Ryan, School Counselor
x4101 Lisa Jacobson, Psychologist
x4004 Jessica Pinkasavage
x4130 Cathy Bittinger
x4110 Lynne DeCamillo
x4114 Mary Firestone
x4116 Nicola Kline
x4113 Kaleigh Stein
x4112 Chris Young
x4115 Katie Hebel
x4121 Adam Ousley
x4117 Emily Zientek
x4120 Patricia Cupitt
x4123 Ashley Defiore
x4119 David Fick
x4122 Sarah Herchelroth
x4146 Taylor Fasig
x4147 Kelly Learn
x4148 Sherilyn Reidinger-Smith
x4149 Josie Whitney
x4137 Shannon Deiuliis
x4139 Derek Denunzio
x4133 Danielle Hernandez
x4138 Jessie Marburger
x4127 Kellee Fries
x4127 Kellee Fries, English as a Second Language
x4144 Katie Macrina, Reading Specialist
x4147 Jodi Moyer, Intervention Specialist
x4144 Monica Weisser, Reading Specialist
x4145 Nicole Angstadt, Learning Support
x4109 Elizabeth Kennedy, Emotional Support
x4143 Kaitlyn McMenamin, Learning Support
x4142 Lisa Nugent, Learning Support
x4134 Kathy Walker, Gifted
x4131 Tia Cosgrave, Art
x4103 Nina Delewski, Music
x4179 Taylor Kerling, Physical Education
x4104 Emily Reppert, Instrumental Music
x4176 Devon Tarewicz, Library
x4141 Tara Koch, Speech Therapist