Schoology serves as our students' classroom resource hub where they can review and receive assignments, take tests and or quizzes, communicate with their teachers, and participate in discussions with their classmates.
Although Schoology primarily serves as the district's learning management system for students and teachers, parents can log into Schoology to stay on top of students' upcoming assignments and their due dates.
If you are a parent, you will create your own username when you log in for the first time.
If you are a student, please use your myexeter.org Gmail account.
We will send an email at the beginning of the school year to all parents with a code and directions to to set up your parent Schoology account. If you miss this email, you may log into Skyward and view your child's code under the "portfolio" tab.
If you did not receive this email, or if you are unable to find the code in Skyward, please call 610-898-9585 for help.
If you are a parent, you will create your password when you register for your account. If you forget your password, please click on the "Forgot your Password" link to reset it.
If you are a student, please use the password associated with your myexeter.org email account.
No. All of your children and their information will appear with Schoology when you set up your account with your children's codes and log in.
Yes! Parents will log into Schoology at www.schoology.com.
Students will log into Schoology at exeter.schoology.com.
As a parent, you can receive either daily or weekly emailed updates as well as overdue assignment notification emails. To receive these emails, please select a child from the dropdown, and then click on "Settings" under your child's name. On the next screen, please click on the "Notifications" tab to set your preferences for that child.
Please repeat these directions to set your email notification preferences for each child in your account.
Find more FAQs on Schoology's Parent Resource page.