Skyward serves as our students' digital gradebook and assignment and attendance tracker. For parents, it also serves as our enrollment portal for registration, as well as the storage hub for your contact information so that we can contact you by phone, text or email in an emergency or with daily updates.
Your user name for Skyward is the first five letters of your last name and the first three letters of your first name followed by 000 (or 001 for the second person with that name). For example, John Smith would be "smithjoh000." If a second John Smith were to join the district, his user name would be "smithjoh001."
Your password to Skyward is initially randomly generated. It contains two capitalized words, a symbol and a number.
If you forget your password, please click on the "Forgot your Login/Password" link to have it emailed to you. If it does not appear in your inbox or junk folder within an hour, please contact your building's secretary to have it resent to you.
No. All of your children and their information will appear with Skyward when you log in under your account.
Both parents and students log in on the same portal, but with their own user names and passwords.
We open access to Skyward for students in grades 5-12. However, Skyward is open to parents of all students in K-12.
This may be because your Skyward information is not current. Please log in and click on "My Account" in the upper right corner of the Family Access screen to update your contact information. If your contact information is current but you are still not receiving messages (and you have checked your junk folder), please email us or call us at 610-779-0700.
We recommend you use a personal email account that you check daily to ensure emails come through to you as some places of employment may filter unknown email address, or you may change your place of employment and forget to update your information in Skyward.
Log into Skyward.
On a desktop, select the student, and then click on "Gradebook" along the left side of the screen.
On the app, select the student, and then click on the three stacked lines and click on "Gradebook."
Within the Gradebook, you are able to access cumulative class grades as well as as assignments by selecting "Display Options" on a desktop, or the arrow in the Gradebook tab on the app and selecting "Assignments."