Welcome to Exeter Township Senior High School
We all share a role in educating our children.
At Exeter Township High School, we firmly believe that it takes everyone’s best and noblest efforts to ensure a successful future for our young people. The partnership that we establish as school and community is a vital relationship, which we hope will be cohesive, consistent, and enduring.
The faculty, staff, and administration of this building pride themselves on understanding and helping kids. Through compassion and positive reinforcement, we provide guidance and support to our students as they struggle with the many issues and concerns affecting teenagers. By continually modeling acceptable behaviors and social etiquette, we show our students the merit in acting appropriately. At ETSH, we strive to create a safe and welcoming environment where all are free to learn, grow socially and emotionally, and soar to new academic heights.
It is our genuine pleasure to provide a quality education for your child! Thank you for your continued support and do not hesitate to contact us with your questions, comments or concerns.

201 East 37th Street | Reading, PA 19606
610-779-3060 | Fax: 610-370-0518
Email: shsinfo@nullexetersd.org
Attendance email: shsattendance@nullexetersd.org
Office hours: 7AM to 3:30PM
School hours: 7:30AM to 2:25PM

Tom Campbell
Matt Bauer
Assistant Principal
Frank Vecchio
Assistant Principal