County & District Band:
Nathan Bayer, Jillian Crotty, Riley Mazur and Ava Diaz

County & District Chorus:
Bottom row (left to right): Raelin Tufariello, Leoni Choy, Alison Applegate, Kaelyn Reynolds, Rebecca Cherry
Top row (left to right): Lillian McNally, Adam Crotty, Evianna Jones, Tyler Casiano-Rodriguez, Jillian Crotty and Ryan Claudfelter

County Orchestra:
Bottom row (left to right): Ian Carr, Jordan Wolfe, Evan Harvey, Katharin Hoover
Middle row (left to right): Amy Ipsen, Harrison Brumbaugh, Charlotte Rismiller, George Hajj
Top row (left to right): Macy Feather, Andrew Schwenk, Simon Bolich, Frank Conte, Carson Frederick

District Orchestra:
George Hajj, Esetban Ruiz, Nathan Bayer and Grace Campling
Congratulations to the following musicians who auditioned and were selected for county and district ensembles. County performances for all ensembles will be on January 20th at Conrad Weiser Senior High School, and District performances will be on January 11-13 for Band at Exeter Township Senior High School, January 25-27 for Chorus at Jim Thorpe Area High School, and on February 8-10 for Orchestra at Bethlehem Area School District. Congratulations to all!
County Band:
- Nathan Bayer - French Horn
- Riley Mazur - Trumpet
District Band:
- Nathan Bayer - French Horn
- Jillian Crotty - French Horn
- Ava Diaz - Clarinet
- Riley Mazur - Trumpet
- Alison Applegate - Sop 1
- Lillian McNally - Sop 1
- Raelin Tufariello - Sop 2
- Rebecca Cherry - Alto 1
- Kaelyn Reynolds - Alto 2
- Leoni Choy - Alto 2
- Tyler Casiano-Rodriguez - Tenor
- Ryan Claudfelter - Tenor
- Alison Applegate - Sop 1
- Evianna Jones - Sop 1
- Rebecca Cherry - Alto 1
- Jillian Crotty - Alto 1
- Ryan Claudfelter - Tenor 1
- Tyler Casiano-Rodriguez - Tenor 2
- Adam Crotty - Bass 2
- Ian Carr - Violin
- Georg Hajj - Violin
- Amy Ipsen - Violin
- Carson Frederick - Violin
- Macy Feathers - Violin
- Jordan Wolfe - Violin
- Simon Bolich - Viola
- Frank Conte - Viola
- Evan Harvey - Viola
- Katharine Hoover - Viola
- Charlotte Rismiller - Viola
- Harrison Brumbaugh - Cello
- Andrew Schwenk - Cello
- Nathan Bayer - Horn
- Grace Campling - Bass
- George Hajj - Violin
- Esteban Ruiz - Violin