Donnie Beiber is a senior completing an internship with Trace Pheasantry in Douglassville, a hatchery for pheasants, chukars, quail and partridges. Zach Trace, owner, said that he was initially nervous about taking on high school intern since he is only a few years out of high school himself, but Donnie’s quickly proven to be an asset to his farm. “Donnie has been very eager to learn and reminds me to explain things to him when he doesn’t understand. Donnie always shows up when he’s supposed to and causes no stress. Donnie has helped me on many projects and he has provided his own insight and even taught me things I didn’t know. He’s a hard worker and more than just an extra set of hands. He has been very beneficial to my company.”
Donnie, can you tell us a bit about what your plans are for after graduation?
My plans after high school are to go to a trade school and get certified for heavy equipment operations.
Can you tell us a bit about your internship? What does a typical day look like for you?
My internship is just a way of being able to get out of the classroom and be able to help out on the farm while learning many different things that pertain to farming and life skills. A typical day on the farm consists of showing up at 11 and doing some busy work for an hour till the 12-1 lunch break, then after that we work at finishing the main objectives for the day, which is "whatever the boss writes on the list that has to be finished for the day." Then after 3, we go and collect eggs, take them back to the hatchery and wash them.
How did you select your internship? Did someone help you select it? Did you seek out the opportunity on your own? Were you asked to do the internship?
I chose the internship because I believe farming is a dying culture and I wanted to do something I enjoy.
What do you like most about your internship?
What I like most about my internship is the fact that I can be out of the school and enjoy the outdoors for several hours instead of being cooped up in a classroom.
And finally, what would be your advice to a high school student who's thinking about Exeter's internship program?
I think the internship program is one of the best programs Exeter has to offer. It's not a lot of work for a great reward of being able to intern somewhere you like or are interested in. Also, if you do well at being an intern, your employer may even offer you a job.