Mrs. Kimberly Kardos' 5th grade class gets ready to challenge one another during daily First in Math practice. Mrs. Kardos says that FIM allows her students to gain a deeper understanding of mathematics in a motivational environment.
Featuring hundreds of engaging math games designed to strengthen fact fluency, automaticity, computational thinking and other critical skills, First in Math offers Exeter students in grades K-8 a fun and competitive new way to learn addition, algebra, subtraction, division and other problem-solving techniques. But it's also offered Reiffton students something else in addition to some serious math skills: National-level bragging rights.
By competing with other students across the nation, Reiffton students collectively earned the distinction of ranking THIRD in the nation for 6th Grade, and NINTH in the nation for 5th Grade in First in Math. Additionally, the school recently earned the following state honors:
- Top 100 Students All Grades: Reiffton 12th
- Top 200 Students All Grades: Reiffton 7th
- Top 500 Students All Grades: Reiffton 4th
- Top Schools - Grade 5: Reiffton 6th
- Top Schools - Grade 6: Reiffton 3rd
- Top 10 Teachers: Reiffton 75th
Mrs. Kimberly Kardos, who teaches 5th Grade at Reiffton, says that First in Math (FIM) has offered students a unique way to learn more than just math as students engage and collaborate with each other unlike ever before. "The students enjoy discovering new games and teaching each other how to play them. They've even created video tutorials in order for their classmates to learn and try new games. Not only do they enjoy creating the videos for their classmates, but they also enjoy watching them. It has been amazing how they share videos across the two classrooms--and that has been so helpful for me as well to learn about all of the different games that the program offers." Mrs. Kardos says all students--regardless of their math level--can succeed at FIM since the program offers differentiated skill levels to challenge all abilities. Student achievement in the program can be ranked at multiple levels including district, state and national rankings. Mrs. Kardos says that students love the challenge of competing against other students and are driven to succeed to the next level or goal that they have set for themselves individually. "They are so proud when they earn gold and silver stars for mastering skills or when they become the FIM Player of the Day!"