Our school nurses work collaboratively with students, teachers, families and other clinicians to ensure that students feel their best so they can learn their best. Besides helping students who become ill or injured during the school day, our school nurses:
- Administer prescribed and over-the-counter parent-approved medications or treatments
- Ensure that all students have been immunized and receive regular exams as per PA regulations
- Develop plans for students who have chronic health problems
- Promote a healthy environment at school for learning and working
- And more!
Kathy Blume, RN, CSN
Exeter Township Junior High
Tammy Hughes, RN, CSN
Reiffton School
Therese Knabb, RN, CSN
Exeter Township Senior High
Lisa Mietelski, LPN
Exeter Township Senior High
Jessica Pinkasavage, RN, CSN
Lorane Elementary
Kimberly Reid, RN
Nicole Strauss, RN, CSN
Jacksonwald Elementary
Susan Templin, RN
Owatin Creek Elementary