Kathy A. Hertzog was a student at the former Lausch Elementary School in the Exeter School District when her teacher gave her a lower grade on her math notebook than her classmates. She let her teacher know how unfair she thought that was because she knew she had done just as much work as the others, but in a different way. And so began her career as an activist for people with disabilities. Her disabilities have been diagnosed as cerebral palsy or a spinal cord injury at birth or possibly both. That didn’t matter to her. What did matter was living independently and making sure that other people with disabilities could do the same.
Her family still owns Apollo Pools & Spas in Exeter Township, but she stayed in Erie after graduating cum laude from Edinboro College in 1988 with a degree in communications, Since then, Hertzog has been on the White House lawn for the signing of the federal law that protects the rights of people with disabilities and has helped found Voices for Independence in Erie to help people with disabilities live in the community. She’s a past board member of the Pennsylvania Council on Independent Living, an agency supporting independent living centers statewide.
Now 48 and still living in Erie, Hertzog operates an Internet-based business, landlordassociation.org.