We're excited to see you at this year's Homecoming 2023 events!
Homecoming Parade & Bonfire: Thursday, September 21st at 6PM
The parade route will begin at the Senior High, head straight on East 37th St., turn left on Reiff Place, left on 40th, and right on Dunham to Reiffton School. The parade will end at the Reiffton School.
The bonfire will immediately follow the conclusion of the parade with a DJ and food trucks available for those in attendance to enjoy. We recommend bringing cash for purchases.
NEW! Homecoming "Tailgate":Friday, September 22nd from 5:45-6:45PM in the circle outside of the high school's main entrance
Yard Games • Selfie Station • Food • Face Tattoos • Giveaways • Spiritwear & More! All are welcome!
Homecoming Football Game & Homecoming Court Presentation: Friday, September 22nd at 7PM
The Homecoming game kicks off at 7PM on Friday when Exeter takes on Lebanon High School in Don Thomas Stadium. Current Eagles, families and our alumni are encouraged to come out for the game, our marching band field show and to see the presentation of our Homecoming Court at halftime.
For more details on Homecoming 2023, please see our website HERE.