Sean Smith is a junior completing an internship with Taylored Physical Therapy, a physical therapy company specializing in orthopedic and sports injury prevention and rehabilitation. Nate Taylor, owner, says that having interns offers a great opportunity to connect not only with the students but with the community and was happy to give Sean the environment to grow and learn more about physical therapy. “It’s personally very satisfying to see the growth in the students throughout their time here and we are happy to have an environment that can support and push them. The students do a great job getting some of the basic tasks done around the office and grow into excellent representatives of our business and become a valuable part of our team.”
Sean, can you tell us a bit about what your plans are for after graduation? Have you selected a college and a major?
My plans for after graduation are to continue my education at the University of Penn State or University of South Carolina. I plan on studying Kinesiology, and hope to go to Physical Therapy school.
Can you tell us a bit about your internship? What does a typical day look like for you?
A typical day for me at Taylored Physical Therapy is very busy providing each patient with the best experience. I am a technician and assist the therapist, a technician means I help the patients through their exercises and make sure they are doing the right thing.
How did you select your internship? Did someone help you select it? Did you seek out the opportunity on your own? Were you asked to do the internship?
Upon looking at my options, Taylored Physical Therapy sounded and looked great when looking at internship options I could do. With previous sports injuries that I have had, it sparked my interest in becoming a physical therapist and wanting to help athletics with their injuries. I heard nothing but great things about Taylored Physical Therapy and with the help from Mr. Ricketts, I knew it would be a perfect place to work.
Do you think your internship is helping you feel more confident about your decision to go to college and pursue your major?
I do believe that my internship is helping me feel more confident about wanting to study physical therapy. It gives me the opportunity to truly know if this is something I want to pursue as a career.
What do you like most about your internship? Is there anything you don't like?
The thing I like most about my internship would have to be the staff I work with, and being able to treat all the wonderful patients that come to Taylored Physical Therapy.
And finally, what would be your advice to a high school student who's thinking about Exeter's internship program?
My advice to any high school student that is thinking about doing an internship through Exeter's program, would be to find a job you are interested in and try it out. It's better to try new things and see if it's a good fit for you now while you have the time to test the waters on what you want to do in life.