Orchestra (from left to right): Jillian Crotty, Amy Ipsen, Lily Jordan, Michael Jordan, Harrison Brumbaugh, Grace Campling, Esteban Ruiz-Velasquez and Dang Nguyen.

Band (from left to right): Riley Mazur, Jordan Wolfe and Jillian Crotty

Chorus (from left to right): Leoni Choy, Jillian Crotty, Adam Crotty, Alison Applegate, Anthony Greene and Ryan Claudfelter
Congratulations to 15 Exeter music students who auditioned and were selected to represent Exeter at district and regional music festivals hosted by the Pennsylvania Music Educators Association (PMEA).
The PMEA District 10 Festival, which selects students from Berks, Carbon, Lehigh, Monroe, Northampton, Pike and Schuylkill counties, took place in January and February. Exeter students who were selected to perform were:
- Esteban Ruiz-Velasquez
- Amy Ipsen
- Harrison Brumbaugh
- Grace Campling
- Michael Jordan
- Lily Jordan
- Dang Nguyen
- Jillian Crotty
- Jillian Crotty
- Riley Mazur
- Jordan Wolfe
- Alison Applegate
- Jillian Crotty
- Leoni Choy
- Ryan Claudfelter
- Adam Crotty
- Anthony Greene
Students who participated in Districts re-auditioned for PMEA Regionals, which includes eight additional counties. Orchestra recently played over the weekend, with Band and Chorus scheduled for performances in March. Students who were selected for this honor include:
- Esteban Ruiz-Velasquez
- Amy Ipsen
- Harrison Brumbaugh
- Grace Campling
- Jillian Crotty
- Jillian Crotty
- Riley Mazur
- Jillian Crotty
- Adam Crotty
Our warmest congratulations to these talented musicians for this incredible accomplishment!