Students from Mr. Bertolet's class posed around 27 boxes of candy that Owatin Creek students donated. Their combined efforts amounted to 780 pounds of candy to give to other kids in Berks County.
Last week, students throughout Owatin Creek gave their hearts--and their leftover Halloween candy--to those in need through the school-wide "Got Candy?" campaign, collecting 780 pounds of Kit Kats, M&Ms, Snickers and other treats to donate to kids at Opportunity House, Safe Berks and the Olivet Boys & Girls Club of Reading & Berks County. Organized by Physical Education teacher, Mrs. Diana Bogust, this annual campaign is one of her favorites as she says that parents are usually the ones who donate their time or money, but this campaign allows students to donate something that they own. Of this year's collection, which saw students collect nearly 150 pounds more than last year, she said, "I'm super proud of our students and amazed by their generosity and kindness."
Once all of the donations had been weighed, the classrooms who donated the most were:
- Mr. Bertolet’s 3rd grade class: 60.2 pounds
- Mrs. Okonski's kindergarten class: 48.8 pounds
- Ms. Ibenez's 2nd grade class: 48.2 pounds
Congratulations to all of our sweet students who took part in this year's campaign!
Last week, students throughout Owatin Creek gave their hearts--and their leftover Halloween candy--to those in need through the school-wide "Got Candy?" campaign, collecting 780 pounds of Kit Kats, M&Ms, Snickers and other treats to donate to kids at Opportunity House, the Olivet Boys & Girls Club of Reading & Berks County, and Safe Berks. Organized by Physical Education teacher, Mrs. Diana Bogust, this annual campaign is one of her favorites as she says that parents are usually the ones who donate their time or money, but this campaign allows students to donate something that they own. Of this year's collection, which saw students collect nearly 150 pounds more than last year, she said, "I'm super proud of our students and amazed by their generosity and kindness."
Once all of the donations had been weighed, the classrooms who donated the most were:
- Mr. Bertolet’s 3rd grade class: 60.2 pounds
- Mrs. Okonski's kindergarten class: 48.8 pounds
- Ms. Ibenez's 2nd grade class: 48.2 pounds
Congratulations to all of our sweet students who took part in this year's candy campaign!