Break out the Blue & White! Support our Eagles as they play in the 5A State Semi-Finals!

If you’d be interested in supporting one of these worthwhile causes to help students in need in the district, please consider making a donation to the Student Outreach fund at the Exeter Community Education Foundation. You can learn more here: https://www.facebook.com/ExeterEducationFoundation
Athletic Director Tom Legath was presented with the Berks County Interscholastic Athletic Association’s Sportsmanship Award on Monday, which is voted on by a committee of athletic directors and coaches throughout Berks County. Superintendent Dr. Kimberly Minor made the announcement during this week's Board of School Director's meeting: “I am extremely proud of this trophy,” she said. “During a year that will likely go down in history… where the world struggled with civility and manners and courtesy, our students rose above all of that and time and again at home games and away games they demonstrated to coaches around the county and athletic directors around the county that our Exeter students are the best of the best when it comes to sportsmanship.” Congratulations to all of our coaches, athletes, parents and supporters for this distinguished honor!
As part of Exeter's efforts to enhance communication, in the coming days you'll be receiving more information about a new communications system and app called ParentSquare, which will unify ALL of the messages you receive from your children's teachers, administrators and the district in one safe and secure place with options for you to select how and when you're notified. Parents will be able to keep track of news, activities and events from all of their children’s schools, allowing for easier communication, organization, involvement and awareness of what's happening in your kids' classrooms, clubs and activities and across the district.
With ParentSquare, parents can enjoy photos posted by teachers, fill out forms and permission slips, sign up for parent-teacher conferences and much more. School staff and parents can engage in both one-to-one and group messaging with real-time language translation. We also think that parents will enjoy the built-in calendar that allows parents to set up reminders and download events directly to their phones so that they never miss an important date or event!
With our launch set for Monday, November 15th, please stay tuned as we invite you to join us in the app or online in a few more days!
As you are likely aware, this week the CDC granted emergency use authorization of Pfizer's COVID vaccine to children 5-11 years old, which opened vaccine availability to all children attending elementary and middle school. Should you so choose to have your child vaccinated, the PA Department of Health will no longer require us to quarantine your child if he or she has been identified as a close contact of a COVID-19 positive individual at school. To be eligible for this exemption, your child must have received both doses of the vaccine with the last dose occurring at least 2 weeks prior to exposure.
If you would like to vaccinate your child, you may find a list of vaccine providers by visiting vaccines.gov, texting your zip code to 438829, calling 800-232-0233 or calling your child's pediatrician for further information and advice. Exeter will also host a vaccine clinic at the Lausch Administration Building in the near future--please stay tuned for dates and details.
Elementary band students were very excited to participate in Band Night earlier this month during Exeter's home football game against Muhlenberg. Students who attended marched into the stadium with the high school marching band, watched the band perform their pregame show and "hung out" with the band in the stands as they played pep tunes to cheer on our winning Exeter Eagles football team.
Reiffton's band teacher Mrs. Dawn Keebler said, "This was a great exposure for our youngest band members as they were able to see the culmination of years of practice. The students had a great time and can't wait to participate in next year's event!"