Exeter students who were named AP Scholars, AP Scholars with Honor or AP Scholars with Distinction

Exeter students who were named Big Future Scholars
The College Board recently awarded certificates to 30 Exeter students for outstanding performance on their Advanced Placement (AP) exams taken earlier this year, their scores on the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT) and/or their outstanding academic performance.
Recognition of AP Scholars is based upon how many AP exams students take and their scores on at least three of the exams. To receive recognition, students who:
- Earn a score of 3 or better on five or more AP exams and an average of 3.5 on all AP exams taken are named an AP Scholar with Distinction
- Earn a score of 3 or better on four or more AP exams and an average of 3.25 on all AP exams taken are named an AP Scholar with Honor
- Earn a score of 3 or better on three or more AP exams are named an AP Scholar
Recognition of Big Future scholars is determined by students who:
- Scored in the top 10% of students in Pennsylvania who took the PSAT or earned a 3 or better on two or more AP exams during 9th or 10th grade
- Earned a cumulative GPA of 3.3
- Identify as either a first-generation, black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, Indigenous or Native American.
Congratulations to the following students for this impressive honor and recognition bestowed upon them by the national College Board:
AP Scholar with Distinction:
- Cheyenne Boyles
- Addison McKittrick
- Perla Alvarado-Rueda
- Rachelle Toaldo
- Richter Bogust
- Tyler Jones
AP Scholar with Honor:
- Lyndsey Kline
- Gillian Foster
- Kayla Schafer
- Marissa Millar
AP Scholar:
- Griffin Beidler
- Carson Frederick
- Neema Kamau
- Nathan Gehris
- Katharine Hoover
- Ella Lynch
- Amy Ipsen
- Alivia Spitz
- Benjamin Seeberger
- Alexis Nonnemacher
- Alexander Ocasio
- Audrey Gierlich
- Josephine Hunter
- Shaun Rathman
- Augustus Stuhlman
- Esteban Ruiz-Velazquez
- Luke Zawilla
Big Future Recognition:
- Neema Kamau
- Tyler Campbell
- Gianna Johnson
- Richard Olorunsaiye