A penny saved may be a penny earned, but when students from Jacksonwald and Owatin Creek gave away their pennies (nickels, dimes and quarters, too) they earned a lot of thanks from area organizations who benefitted from their big hearts!
During the 100th day of school celebrations in late February, both elementary schools upped the ante on the spirit week by seeing which class could raise the most amount of money by donating coins and choosing a local organization to donate their collection to. Besides having fun with the friendly competition, students enjoyed practicing their money counting skills and tallying up their donations at the end of the week. After the final counts were in, Jacksonwald collected an astonishing $1,520.53 to donate to the Exeter Township Fire Department, and Owatin Creek collected an incredible $729.78 to donate to Mostly Muttz, a local animal rescue.
Recently, the classes who raised the most presented their donations to representatives at each organization: They are Mrs. Conrow's 3rd grade class at Jacksonwald and Mrs. Daniel's 1st grade class at Owatin Creek. Thanks to students and their families at both schools for participating; they say money may not buy happiness, but your donations certainly earned lots of smiles!