It’s an Exeter Karaoke throw-down! Exeter Township Junior High Principal Alex Brown and Exeter Township Senior High student Saishree Mupparaju are among local “celebrities” looking for your vote to see who will perform their chosen Karaoke song live in the 1st Annual Raise Your VOiCE Celebrity Karaoke Contest. To vote for Brown or Mupparaju (as part of a trio called the “Girl Gang”) to perform, you can donate an amount of your choosing at https://secure.givelively.org/donate/berks-county-community-foundation-inc/1st-annual-raise-your-voice-celebrity-karaoke. The top three contestants who raise the most amount of money will perform live on Friday, April 29th at the GoggleWorks (or you can view the performances live via Zoom).
Mupparaju and Brown are competing against five other local Berks County “celebrities,” including Dr. Kevin Terefenko, Dr. Denny Mauro, Stephanie Delozier, Rick Perez and Rob Flowers. All proceeds from vote donations benefit VOiCEup Berks and the Youth Volunteer Corps of Reading.