This week, we're excited to celebrate National School Counseling Week to help bring awareness to the important role that our K-12 school counselors have as they dedicate their professional lives to care for and support our students to help them achieve school success and plan for their futures. From providing safe and supportive areas for students to receive mental health or social help, to helping students remove barriers to academic success, to providing classroom lessons, to helping kids figure out "what they want to be when they grow up," school counselors are celebrated not only this week--but every day--for the unique work they do to support all aspects of a student's journey through school as they help each reach their potential to become his or her best. Today, we're proud to highlight Reiffton's counselors, Mrs. Diana Ricci (A-K) and Ms. Emily Seeberger (L-Z):
Q: How long have you been a school counselor? How long have you worked at Exeter?
A: Mrs. Ricci started as a school counselor in September of 2008, and Ms. Seeberger started in December of 2014. We have both worked in Exeter for our entire careers.
Q: Did you do anything prior to becoming a counselor? If so, what? Why did you change your career?
Ms. Seeberger: Prior to becoming a school counselor, I worked as a Summer Camp Coordinator for a day camp. This job was an awesome stepping stone before I began my role as a school counselor.
Q:What’s your favorite part of your job?
Both: Encouraging students and helping them discover their strengths and how they are unique.
Q: What's the most challenging part of your job?
Both: Prioritizing the needs of our students. They are all important so sometimes it is hard to make a decision to focus on one need over another.
Q: If you were talking to someone who knew nothing about your work, how would you complete this sentence? “People are surprised to learn that I….”
Both: People are surprised that we work to develop a relationship with every one of our students and do not just respond to crises. We do this through individual sessions, small group counseling and classroom lessons.
Q: The theme for this year’s School Counseling Week is “Better Together.” What does that mean to you?
A: We have found the most success with our students when several members of the school support team (teacher, school counselor, parent, principal) work together. With different perspectives we can come together to better meet the student’s needs.
Q: Finally, when you were in elementary school, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Ms. Seeberger: When I was in elementary school, I wanted to be an archeologist or an artist. I loved exploring, learning and finding new ways to be creative!
Mrs. Ricci: I wanted to be a teacher or a concert pianist. I still love music and have incorporated that into my small groups and lessons.
Q: Is there anything else you’d like to share?
Both: Together we bring color into our students’ lives. With the support and collaboration of all staff at Reiffton, here is a small snapshot of what we have been able to accomplish so far this year:
- 111 Classroom lessons
- 116 Small group sessions
- 125 Relaxing recess student experiences (calm recess in the counseling suite)
- 974 Individual student sessions