One of the most beloved musicals of all time will bring Exeter Township Senior High School's auditorium alive with the "Sound of Music" in March! Starring Alison Applegate (left) as Maria and Ryan Claudfelter as Captain Von Trapp (right), this year's Senior High School production will feature a talented cast of students from elementary through the high school to perform Rodgers & Hammerstein's inspirational true story, which earned five Tony Awards and five Oscars when it debuted on the stage and screen in the 1960s. Rounding out the multi-school ensemble are (from left, after Alison): Adam Crotty as Friedrich, Ella Mackey as Louisa, Gavin Isselmann as Kurt, Kaylen Reynolds as Brigitta, Summer Douglas as Marta and Scarlet Jordan as Gretl. (Not pictured is Zoe Banks as Liesl.)
Sure to be one of your favorite things, catch the "Sound of Music" on March 14th, 15th and 16th at 7PM and March 17th at 2PM before the cast says "So long, farewell." All tickets are $12 and can be reserved online at https://exeterhsmusical.seatyourself.biz/ or at the door before the performance.