The administration, teachers, and staff would like to welcome you to the Exeter Township School District. This Student Handbook is intended to provide you and your parents with information about the educational programs, extracurricular activities, regulations, and academic requirements at the Exeter Township Senior High School.
Read this information carefully; it is a valuable guide for your academic and social success as an Exeter Eagle. It is our goal to maintain a positive atmosphere and to assist students in realizing their maximum potential. Good instructors, modern resources, and first-rate facilities do little for a student unless the desire for knowledge is present within the learner. Please become familiar with the contents of the Student Handbook and always maintain a positive attitude. Best wishes for success!
Introduction & Student Code of Conduct:
This handbook provides information concerning processes, procedures, and rules in place at Exeter Township Senior High School. It does not claim to cover every conceivable situation, but hopefully this handbook provides enough information so that students, parents, and teachers will be able to logically determine the correct actions to take during the school year.
The Pennsylvania Public School Code of 1949 specifically charges the School Boards of the Commonwealth to establish reasonable rules governing the conduct and discipline of all pupils under the supervision of the School District. The Student Code of Conduct of the Exeter Township School District, which is embedded into this handbook, is designed to meet that charge and to assist students, parents, teachers, administrators, the Board of School Directors, community agencies, and the community at large with establishing and maintaining an environment that is personally safe, fosters an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect, and allows students to develop to their fullest potential. This Student Code of Conduct outlines the authority of the school concerning the conduct and behavior of all students during such times as students are under the supervision of the School District and conduct which has an impact on the educational environment per District policy.
The purpose of this Student Code of Conduct is to make known the responsibilities of each student and the school in order to provide for the best possible learning climate. It was developed to assure that each student will be treated fairly and equitably.
Equal Rights & Opportunities
It is the policy of the Exeter Township School District to not tolerate harassment in any form. Furthermore, the board prohibits all forms of unlawful harassment. This is addressed in Policy 248, which can be found on the district website under the School Board heading. Requests for hard copies of the policy and/or questions related to unlawful discrimination or harassment should be addressed to Diane Scornavacchi, Director of Human Resources.
The Exeter Township School District is an equal opportunity educational institution and in compliance with the requirements of Title VI, Title IX, Section 504, and the Americans with Disabilities Act. The district will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, ancestry, national origin, disability, or handicap. For information regarding civil rights or grievance procedures, contact Diane Scornavacchi, Compliance Officer, Director of Human Resources.
Bell Schedule
Soaring Eagle
While the student handbook is designed to cover a wide range of information, the program of studies, The Soaring Eagle focuses specifically on course selections and graduation requirements. This booklet is available (hard copies available in the counseling office) to assist students in building their yearly schedules and to provide them with specific information about graduation requirements. The Soaring Eagle is revised yearly to reflect any changes in course offerings.
Gifted Education & Special Education
In accordance with the Board's philosophy to develop the special abilities of each student, the district shall provide gifted education services and programs designed to meet the individual educational needs of identified students- see Policy 114.
The district shall offer each student with a disability education programs and services that appropriately meet the student's needs for educational, instructional, transitional and related services. A student who requires special education shall receive programs and services according to an individualized education program (IEP). The IEP shall provide access to the district's general curriculum and participation in state and local assessments, including supplemental aids and services that permit the student to be educated, to the maximum extent appropriate, with non-disabled peers. The district shall provide a continuum of placement options to appropriately meet the needs of students with disabilities- see Policy 113.
Graduation Requirements
The minimum number of credits required for graduation is 24.
- English - 4
- Social Studies - 3
- Mathematics - 3
- Science - 3
- Additional Science/Social Studies/Math - 1
- Fitness and Wellness - 1
- Arts and Humanities - 2
- Electives - 7
Community Service Graduation Requirement
Students must complete a total of 30 hours of community service (for a non-profit organization) outside of the school day. Please consult the Counseling Department website for more information and forms.
Pennsylvania State Graduation Requirement
In addition to the credit and community service requirements established by the Exeter Township School District, students will also be required to meet the graduation requirements established by the state of Pennsylvania. Act 158 applies to students in the Class of 2023 and beyond. Details about these requirements, commonly referred to as the “graduation pathways” can be found on the Assessment and Accountability section of the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s website.
Keystone Exams
Keystone Exams are state-required end-of-course assessments and are part of Pennsylvania’s statewide high school graduation requirements for the Class of 2023 and later. Additional information on Keystone Exams may be found on the PDE website and you can find additional information in the Program of Studies. Exeter Township Senior High School will administer Keystone exams during both the winter and spring testing windows this school year. Students are expected to take the exams at the end of the course in Algebra I, Biology, and 10th-grade Literature. Students will be re-tested if they did not score at least proficient on these exams at least once. These exams will be administered during the winter and spring for students who completed those classes in the first semester. In all cases, students and their parents will be notified directly when they are scheduled to test.
Honor Roll
Students will attain honor roll status if, using standard rounding procedures, they achieve at least a 92 percent GPA for a marking period (Gold Eagle – for the school term). Students will attain merit roll status if, using standard rounding procedures, they achieve an 88 percent to a 91.99 percent GPA for a marking period (Silver Eagle – for the school term). Students will not be included on the honor or merit roll if a failing grade appears on their report cards. The term (marking period) GPA does not include weighted grades.
Grading Scale & Values
- 100 - 92 = A
- 91 - 82 = B
- 81 - 72 = C
- 71 - 60 = D
- 59 and below = F
Grades are reported using a percentage grade system. To earn credit for a course, a student must score a 60% or higher. Courses designated as "Honors" receive a weight of 1.05. AP courses in which the student takes the exam receive a weight of 1.10. All other courses have a weight of 1.0. Quality points will be determined in the following manner: Credit x weight (1, 1.05, 1.10) x percentage grade.
Final course grades are calculated using the grade percentage that the student earned for each marking period and mid-term/final exam. Each marking period is worth 22% of the final grade. The midterm is worth 6%. The final exam is worth 6%. If there is no mid-term, the final exam is worth 12%. If there is no midterm or final exam, each marking period is worth 25% of the final grade. Students who have demonstrated effort in class or experience extenuating circumstances and fail a marking period are encouraged to work with their teacher (and counselor) to establish a remediation plan in an effort to master the course objectives and earn credit for the course.
Student Records
The Board recognizes its responsibility for the collection, retention, disclosure and protection of student records. The Board also recognizes the legal requirement to maintain the confidentiality of student records and prohibits the unauthorized access, reproduction, and/or disclosure of student education records and personally identifiable information from such records. The Board shall adopt a comprehensive plan for the collection, maintenance and dissemination of student education records that complies with federal and state laws and regulations and state guidelines. Copies of the adopted student records plan shall be maintained by the district and revised as required by changes in federal or state law and regulations. Copies of the student records plan shall be submitted to the Department of Education, upon request. See Policy 216.
School Dances & Prom
Guest request forms and photo identification are required for dances/Prom. Guest request forms are available in the Main Office or from the activity advisor and are due back at least one week prior to the event. Dances/Prom are limited to students of high school age – under the age of 21.
Clubs & Extracurricular Activities
Clubs & Extracurricular Activities
Activity Fee
In accordance with Exeter Township School District Board Policy 122, the Board recognizes the educational values inherent in student participation in extracurricular activities and supports the concept of student organizations for such purposes as building social relationships, developing interests in a specific area, and gaining an understanding of the elements and responsibilities of good citizenship. For this purpose, the Board may establish and charge an extracurricular fee in an amount to be determined. The activity fee for students participating in high school sports and clubs for the 2023-2024 school year is $100 for the year. The fee waiver letter can be found here.
Attendance Procedures
Being in school is an important first step to learning and academic success. We understand that illness and personal circumstances occasionally prevent attendance. Parents are encouraged to work with students to develop habits and strategies at home to promote regular, timely attendance. In accordance with the Department of Education, the Berks Initiative for School Attendance and the Pennsylvania state attendance code, the following guidelines will be used to record school attendance. See Board Policy 204 and 24 P.S. §§ 13-1326 – 1354.
Excused & Unexcused Absences - Related: Attendance Information
Excused Absences:
- A student absence for which the parent has provided a written excuse within three school days for one of the following reasons:
- Student Illness
- Death in the Family
- Religious Holiday (Advance Request Only)
- Educational Tour or Trip (Advance Request Only)
- College Visits (Advance Requests Only)
Unexcused Absences:
- A student absence for which an approved explanation has not been submitted within three school days.
Medical Verification Requirement
A maximum of ten (10) days of cumulative lawful absences verified by parental notification shall be permitted during a school year. All absences beyond ten (10) cumulative days shall require an excuse from a licensed physician.
Truant Information
A student having three or more school days of unexcused absence within the school year is considered truant. A three day letter will be issued after three days of unexcused absences. A six day letter will be issued after six unexcused absences. After six unexcused absences a Student Attendance Improvement Plan (SAIP) conference will be held with your child’s administrator. After six unexcused absences a Service Access Management (SAM) truancy referral will be made if your child is seventeen years of age or younger. When a student violates compulsory attendance laws, the school files a citation to the District Magistrate. The Judge determines the consequences, not the school. A citation should be issued once a student has been out of school for ten or more days and a SAIP has been held.
A student with 10 or more unexcused absences may be ineligible to participate in other school extracurricular activities. Reinstatement of those privileges may be outlined in the student’s School Attendance Improvement Plan.
Tardiness to School
Students are expected to be in their class at 7:30AM. Students who accumulate three incidences of tardiness may receive a detention. They will continue to receive additional detentions for every three incidences of tardiness.
When your child is absent from school, please report that by email (, by responding to the ParentSquare absence notification, or calling the high school attendance office at 610-779-3060 option 2. If calling, a written note must also be submitted to the attendance office as well. Details about submitting notes by email, hard-copy, or fax can be found on the attendance website. Notes must be received within three school days. Berks Career & Technology Center students must submit absence notes to both the SHS Attendance Office and BCTC Office. Please include your child’s full name, date of absence, reason for absence, and parent/guardian full name and signature. Absences that have not been excused by a parent note will be considered unexcused/unlawful.
Missed Work
It is the student’s responsibility to contact the teacher(s) on the day he/she returns from the absence to make arrangements to make up any missed assignments and/or assessments. All missed assignments and/or assessments must be completed within three school days from the day the student returns from the absence.
Late Arrivals & Early Dismissals
Students who arrive late to school or must leave early are to sign in/out through the main office. It is necessary to have parent permission to leave school early. Parents should call the main office for urgent or unplanned events requiring their child’s dismissal.
- Late arrival: Sign-in with the attendance secretary upon arrival. Students with a note from a parent describing an acceptable reason for being late will be excused. Students without a parent note will be recorded as an unexcused tardy.
- Early dismissal: Bring a parent note for early dismissal to the attendance secretary before 7:30AM. Students will be issued a pass to be excused from class. At the time of dismissal, students should sign out in the main office. Students who leave school to go to a medical appointment are requested to bring a note from the doctor upon return.
Additional Attendance Procedural Note
Students arriving after 10:42AM will be marked as being absent for a half-day. Students arriving after 10:42AM are not permitted to participate in after-school extracurricular activities on that day.
College Visitations
Students who request to be excused from school for a college visitation must adhere to the following procedures:
- Complete a College Visitation Request form. Forms are available on the website and in the Main Office.
- Submit the completed form to the Main Office for approval at least one day prior to the visitation date.
Educational Trips
Educational trip requests should be submitted as early as possible and at least five school days prior to departure to allow for approval and gathering of student assignments. No student may spend more than a total of five school days on approved educational trips in any given school year; exceptions require Superintendent approval. Educational trip forms are available on the district website or may be picked up in the Main Office. Students will be responsible for all work missed during their absences. Students in grades 7-12 are responsible for collecting their work to take on the trip. Counselors are available to support the students with collection of materials. All requests are subject to approval of the Administration based on the student’s attendance records and academic standing. Families are discouraged from taking trips during critical periods of the school year (i.e. the start and end of semesters, testing windows, etc.).
Change of Address/Residency
Any student who changes residence during the school year must report the change at once and will need to provide two proofs of residency of their new address to the Registrar’s Office in the high school. If a student moves out of Exeter Township at any time during the school year, s/he may no longer attend Exeter Township School District. Seniors who move out of the district will be permitted to finish the current school year only with administrative approval. The Administration reserves the right to deny this privilege to any student who has become disruptive to the educational environment of the school or has a poor attendance record. The final decision will be based on a review of the student’s academic, attendance, and discipline records. The district has the right to investigate any residency situation that is suspected of being untruthful. Please consult the district website and Policy 200 and Policy 202 for residency requirements.
McKinney-Vento Students
Under the Pennsylvania Education for Homeless Children and Youth State Plan, homeless children are defined as individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. The McKinney-Vento Act states that it is the policy of Congress that state educational agencies shall ensure that each child of a homeless individual and each homeless youth has equal access to the same free, appropriate public education--including a public preschool education--as provided to other children and youths. If you meet the above criteria in the McKinney-Vento Act or if you are at risk of becoming homeless in the immediate future, please contact the Pupil Services Department at 610-779-0700 or email the School Social Worker, Ashley Rinehart for assistance. Please refer to Policy 251 for additional information.
ETSD Homeless Student Procedures
- A student is identified by a staff member and appears to meet the McKinney-Vento criteria as a homeless status student.
- A staff member contacts the student's school counselor to inform them.
- The school counselor will contact the homeless point of contact to have them conduct an intake with the student/parent/guardian.
- The ECYEH intake form will be submitted to the District Homeless Liaison for approval. Re-determination will occur each school year.
- The student will then be entered into the ECYEH site and updated on Skyward. The family will be offered services, resources and transportation.
School Closing Announcements
Departure Time/Return Time
- The bus for AM BCTC leaves the high school at 7:30AM and returns for the start of period 5.
- The bus for PM BCTC leaves the high school at 11:35AM and returns at 3:15PM.
- Any BCTC student who misses the bus will remain at Exeter Township Senior High School unless suitable transportation can be arranged.
- BCTC students should be attentive to the BCTC calendar and schedule. There are days and early dismissals when ETHS and BCTC do not match. These are called “conflict days” and students are expected to attend BCTC even if ETSH is not in session. Transportation to BCTC from the high school will be provided.
All Berks County Career and Technology students will eat lunch at the Career and Technology Centers.
Attendance Reporting and Notes
When a student is absent from school, s/he must submit an absence note to BCTC and ETSH attendance offices.
Students are not permitted to drive to/from BCTC without permission from the BCTC Administration. Students who drive to BCTC are to drive directly to/from BCTC and ETSH.
Students on the Co-op program will be permitted to drive to and from their respective employers provided the conditions listed under "Driving" have been satisfied. Permission to drive will be given only when the following conditions exists:
- The Career and Technology Center first confirms there is a clear need to drive based on an educational project. The Career and Technology Center issues the permit.
- The student secures parental signatures on the proper form or permit. This must be done before approval is given.
- Exeter Township Senior High School administration gives approval.
The Board finds that student conduct is closely related to learning. An effective educational program requires a safe and orderly school environment. The Board shall establish fair, reasonable and nondiscriminatory rules and regulations regarding the conduct of all students in the school district during the time they are under the supervision of the school or at any time while on school property, while present at school-sponsored activities, and while traveling to or from school and school-sponsored activities. Please refer to Board Policies 218 and 218.1.
Discipline Philosophy
The main factor underlying any system of discipline is mutual respect for the rights of others. This attitude must be fostered daily between administrators, faculty members and students of our school system. Our discipline philosophy is based on the belief that it is each student’s responsibility to demonstrate behavior that is conducive to a healthy learning atmosphere. In order to maintain a suitable learning environment, each student must strive to demonstrate self-control and behave in a manner that does not interfere with the educational process. When a student fails to demonstrate self-discipline and engages in behavior counterproductive to the educational process, we will seek to help the student to change these behaviors through appropriate interventions, behavior modification, restorative practices and consequences. Whenever possible, restorative practices will be used to teach appropriate and expected behaviors and repair relationships. Our discipline model is progressive; as undesired behaviors continue and/or escalate, our response will become more restrictive and supportive. Our hope is our students will attain the self-discipline needed to be successful school citizens.
Discipline is meant to be training, an opportunity to learn from inappropriate behavior and reshape future actions.
The primary goal of discipline is to instruct and offer ways to practice appropriate behaviors, so the primary response to infractions would be to implement instruction and restorative practice in an effort to impose positive consequences.
For situations where restorative practices are implemented, the following questions may be used as a guide: Restorative Practices (International Institute for Restorative Practices:
Restorative Questions I: To Respond to Challenging Behavior
- What happened?
- What were you thinking of at the time?
- What have you thought about since?
- Who has been affected by what you have done? In what way?
- What do you think you need to do to make things right?
Restorative Questions II: To Help Those Harmed by Others' Actions
- What did you think when you realized what had happened?
- What impact has this incident had on you and others?
- What has been the hardest thing for you?
- What do you think needs to happen to make things rights?
Classroom Discipline Procedures
In the event that a discipline problem arises, the first attempt to resolve the problem will occur at the classroom level.
If a student becomes disruptive to the learning of oneself or others, the teacher:
- Will attempt to resolve the problem by first dealing directly with the student and/or his/her counselor
- Will notify the parents
- Document the behavior
If the situation is not resolved, the teacher:
- Documents the behavior on a discipline referral with classroom interventions and submits to Main Office
- Informs the student that such a referral is being submitted
- Informs the parents of the action
- Communicates with administration to help resolve the issue
All disciplinary infractions will be dealt with on an offense-consequence basis. The purpose of the discipline philosophy is to assist students in changing their behaviors to a more productive, positive student behavior. Students with chronic disciplinary infractions may be referred to the Student Assistance team for additional support when needed.
The administration reserves the right to alter the nature or severity of punishment (and to make exceptions) on a case-by-case basis. The violations and penalties listed in this handbook serve merely as a guide for both students and staff.
Extracurricular Code of Conduct
Sports and extracurricular activities are an important privilege and we believe students in these programs represent our school on and beyond our campus. As such representatives, athletes and club members should demonstrate responsible school citizenship and abide by a code of ethics which will earn them the honor and respect that the participation in the activity, program, and competition in the interscholastic program provides. Please represent our school honorably.
Acts of unacceptable conduct akin to a Level III or Level IV school violation tarnish the reputation of everyone associated with the school program and will result in the following restrictions from participation and support to promote a return.
Student Athletes
Out-of-season violations will be treated as those which occur during the season--penalties to be levied during the next season or period of extracurricular involvement.
Extracurricular Penalties for Violation of Drug and Alcohol Guidelines (Levels 4 - 8)
- First Violation: After confirmation of the first violation, the student will be immediately suspended for 50 percent of all scheduled contests and/or activities in which the student is a participant. If the penalty cannot be fully administered during that sport/activity season, the remainder of the penalty will be applied to the next extracurricular season in which the student participates. If the current activity only meets once a week or less, the penalty will be applied to the next extracurricular season as well. The student will be referred to the Student Assistance Program and/or a licensed substance use provider for assessment and support. If the student follows the recommendation of the assessment, the student suspension may be reduced to 25 percent. After the student has served his/her school suspension, the student may return to practice.
- Second Violation: After confirmation of the second violation, the student will be suspended from participating in all athletic/extracurricular activities for 12 months from the date of the violation. Upon satisfactory completion of all recommended treatment following an assessment by licensed substance abuse provided, and/or the Student Assistance Program, the school team may reinstate the student.
- Third Violation: After confirmation of the third violation, the student will be suspended from participation in athletics/extracurricular activities for the remainder of his/her senior high career.
Academic Dishonesty
Students are expected to act honorably and take responsibility for their own learning. Academic dishonesty is any type of cheating, including plagiarism. Academic dishonesty will result in a disciplinary referral, teacher call to parent, student conference with a building administrator and a zero for the assignment. Students will be encouraged to meet with the librarian to review plagiarism guidelines and work with the teacher. Sanctions for subsequent offenses will include suspension from school, may include additional consequences, additional disciplinary action and support requirements based on the context of the case.
Disciplinary Procedures
Level I: Minor misbehavior on the part of a student that impedes orderly classroom procedure or interferes with the operation of the school. These misbehaviors can usually be handled by an individual staff member but sometimes requires the intervention of other school support personnel. Teacher will maintain his/her own records of student behavior offenses.
Examples of Level I Infractions:
- Dress Code Violation
- Minor Procedural Violations
- Cell Phone Violation
- Minor Disruptive/Argumentative Behavior
- Cutting Class
- Lateness to Class
Support (Any/All Options Considered):
- Conference with Student/Parent/Counselor/
- Teacher
- SAP Referral
Disciplinary Action (Any/All Options Considered):
- Verbal Reprimand
- Change student’s seat
- Withdrawal of Privileges
- Contact Parent*
- Conference with Student*/Parent/Counselor/
- Teacher
- Office-Issued Detention
- Unmodified Level I Misbehavior Moves to Level II
*Required prior to office referral.
When a student becomes a chronic offender, a discipline referral is submitted to the office. This now becomes Level II misbehavior.
Level II: Misbehavior whose frequency or seriousness tends to disrupt the learning climate of the school and whose educational consequences are serious enough to warrant removal from the classroom or the use of in-school or out-of-school suspension.
Also included in this level are misbehaviors that do not represent a direct threat to the health and safety of others but whose educational consequences are serious enough to require corrective action on the part of administrative personnel.
Examples of Level II Infractions:
- Unmodified Level I Misconduct
- School Safety Violation - Minor
- Defiance/Insubordination/Disrespect - Minor
- Major Disruptive Behavior
- Roughhousing
- Physical/Aggressive Behavior (Pushing, Shoving, or Verbal)
- Bullying - Minor
- Cutting Detention
- In Restricted Area
- Inappropriate Social Media Posting and Sharing Electronic Content¹
- Leaving School without Permission
- Medication (Not Submitted to Nurse)
- Possession/Use of Nicotine Products (Lighters, Vapes, etc.)²
- Profane Language or Gestures
- Theft
- Vandalism - Minor
Support (Any/All Options Considered):
- School Counselor Support
- Scheduled Counselor and/or Administrative Check-ins
- Schedule Change
- Parent Contact (Phone Conference and/or Written Notice)
- Referral to Pupil Services
- SAP Referral
- Nicotine Cessation Group
Disciplinary Action (Any/All Options Considered):
- Verbal Reprimand
- Withdrawal of Privileges (examples: phone restriction, restricted movement, assigned seat at lunch, etc.)
- Conference with Student*/Parent/Counselor/Teacher
- Detention
- Restriction from Class
- 1-3 Days of Suspension (In or Out-of-School)
- Unmodified Level II Misbehavior Moves to Level III
¹Pictures, audio and videos should not be taken during the school day unless for academic purposes under the direction of a teacher or with express permission of others. Images taken in violation of this undermine the culture of the school and may violate the individual rights of other students.
²Pennsylvania School Tobacco Control Law prohibits tobacco in any form, in any school buildings, bus or van, or on any property owned by Exeter Township School District. Besides a suspension from school, a student violating this law may be the subject of a fine issued by the school district or citation files with the local district magistrate. The school fines are: 1st offense = $50; 2nd offense = $100; subsequent offenses = $150.
Level III: Acts which result or could result in damage to property or pose or could pose a direct threat to the physical or emotional safety of others in school.
Examples of Level III Infractions:
- Unmodified Level II Misconduct
- Defiance/Insubordination/Disrespect - Major
- Disorderly Conduct
- Altercation - Minor (Physical)
- Fighting or Assault
- School Safety Violations
- Sexual Harassment
- Threatening Others
- Vandalism - Major
- Bullying - Major
Support (Any/All Options Considered):
- Scheduled Guidance and/or Administrative Check-ins
- Schedule Change
- Parent Contact (Phone Conference and/or Written Notice)
- Referral to Pupil Services
- SAP Referral
Disciplinary Action (Any/All Options Considered):
- 1-10 Days Out-of-School Suspension
- A parent conference to be held with the principal or designee prior to the start of the student’s return to school.
- Withdrawal of Privileges
- Issuance of Disorderly Conduct Citation¹ (See Extracurricular Code of Conduct)
- Unmodified Level III Misbehavior
- Moves to Level IV
Students who engage in disorderly conduct by fighting or threatening others, who engage in violent or tumultuous behavior, make unreasonable noise, use obscene language or obscene gestures, or who create a hazardous or physically offensive condition by any act which serves no legitimate purpose, may be issued a citation for disorderly conduct (Crimes & Offenses, 18 Pa.C.S. §5503)
Level IV: These acts are clearly criminal and/or are so serious that they always require administrative actions which result in the immediate removal of the student from school, the intervention of law enforcement authorities and potential action by the board of school directors.
Examples of Level IV Infractions:
- Unmodified Level III Misconduct
- Assault/Battery of a Student or Staff Member
- Providing, Selling, Possession of Drugs on Pennsylvania Controlled Drug Device and Cosmetic Act List*
- Indecent Exposure
- Sexual Activity
- Possession/Use/Transfer of Weapons (Guns, Knives, etc.)
- Sale/Possession/Use and/or Under the Influence of Alcohol*
- Sale/Possession/Use of Drug Paraphernalia*
Support (Any/All Options Considered):
- Scheduled Guidance and/or Administrative Check-ins
- Schedule Change
- Parent Contact (Phone Conference and/or Written Notice)
- Referral to Pupil Services
- SAP Referral
Disciplinary Action (Any/All Options Considered):
- 10 Days Out-of-School Suspension
- Possible expulsion and/or other school action results in appropriate alternative placement¹ (See Drug & Alcohol Administrative Guidelines)
- Withdrawal of Privileges
- Issuance of Disorderly Conduct Citation² (See Extracurricular Code of Conduct)
¹Those placed in alternative education programs are not permitted to attend school functions or be on school property without consent of the ETSH Administration.
²Students who engage in disorderly conduct by fighting or threatening others, who engage in violent or tumultuous behavior, make unreasonable noise, use obscene language or obscene gestures, or who create a hazardous or physically offensive condition by any act which serves no legitimate purpose, may be issued a citation for disorderly conduct (Crimes & Offenses, 18 Pa.C.S. §5503).
In-School Suspension
The purpose of in-school suspension is to impose a punishment for a behavioral violation while giving a student as much opportunity to continue his/her academic progress and to receive support to prevent future occurrences. Students who are assigned in-school suspension will be given instructions from their principal regarding where to report and what the expectations and supports are for the student in-school suspension. Students are expected to complete academic assignments, participate in restorative activities, and meet with his/her academic counselor. Students in in-school suspension may not participate in athletic or extracurricular activities on the same day as their suspension. BCTC students who are suspended will remain at Exeter and will not go to BCTC.
Out-of-School Suspension
Out-of-school suspension is reserved for the most serious violations of school safety. We recognize that out-of-school suspension removes a student from important academic and personal support. Students who are assigned out-of-school suspension will be given instructions from their principal regarding the expectations and support for the student during his/her suspension. Students suspended out-of-school are not permitted on campus or at school activities until the day of their return. Students are expected to complete academic assignments during their suspension. A plan for academic and personal support will also be created with the student to transition him/her back to school and prevent future occurrences.
Drug & Alcohol Policy
The Exeter Township School Board and personnel value each member of the school community and believe that all individuals have the right to develop to their fullest potential. The Board and school personnel recognize that chemical abuse and dependency seriously impair the ability of students to develop their full potential. Board Policy 227 is based on the belief that chemical dependency is a life-threatening illness that affects the emotional, physical, intellectual and social development of all individuals. This policy is based on our convictions that chemical dependency is a treatable illness, and early intervention among "at risk" students will enhance the effectiveness of the schools.
Statement of Policy
- The School Board of the Exeter Township School District, recognizing that the misuse of chemicals is a serious problem with legal, physical, emotional and social implications for the whole school community, adopts the position that students must be chemically-free in order to develop in the most productive and healthy manner.
- Therefore, it is this district’s policy to prevent and prohibit the possession and/or use, distribution, and/or intent of distribution of an illegal or controlled mood-altering chemical, medication, alcohol or abused chemical not approved by the health office on school property, at school sponsored events, or school buses and en route to or from school.
- Such prevention and/or prohibition shall occur through a three-faceted program, including:
- Education
- Prevention
- Intervention
- Prescription medicines and over-the-counter drugs brought to school must be registered with and taken in the presence of the school nurse or other designated individual (see the "Health Services" section of this handbook under "Student Services" for details).
- Violation of this policy includes possession, use, sale or distribution of chemicals as defined and described within the parameters of this policy and as stated within administrative guidelines. The consequences of such violations may result in permanent expulsion from school by the School Board.
- This policy will be implemented through the cooperative efforts of the faculty, administration, school support staff, students, parents and community agencies serving the Exeter Township School District.
- This policy authorizes the establishment of the Exeter Township Student Assistance Program (SAP).
Definition of Terms:
- Confidentiality between students and school counselors, school nurses, school psychologists, community liaison and staff shall be respected; and no confidential communication shall be made relative thereto without the consent of the student or his/her parent or guardian unless the best interests of the students can be served only by doing so or the subject of that confidentiality presents a clear and present danger to the school community.
- Confiscation occurs when there is probable cause to believe that the student is in the possession of drugs or mood-altering chemicals. There is an obligation to search for and seize the chemicals or substances by the building administrator(s) or designee upon probable cause. This search will include school lockers, clothing, purses, book bags, gym bags, books and other personal property. Reasonable efforts will be made to secure the student’s voluntary consent and to have the student present at the time of the search.
- Controlled Substance, Drug, Drug Paraphernalia, Alcohol, or Counterfeit Drug shall have the meanings given to them as defined in the Act of September 27, 1961 (P.L.17700, No.699), known as the the Pharmacy Act or the Act of April 14, 1972 (P.L. 233, No.64) known as the Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act, and the Act of April 12, 1951 (P.L. 90, No.21), known as the Liquor Code, and any future amendments to the above codes.
- Drug paraphernalia includes any utensil or item which in the school’s judgment can be associated with the use of drugs, alcohol or mood-altering substances. Examples include--but are not limited to--pipes, bowls, roach clips and vaping devices.
- Drugs or mood-altering chemicals include any alcohol or malt beverage, controlled substance, lookalike, synthetic or illegal or abused substance or medication not approved and registered by the health office, and any illegal substance that is intended to alter mood.
- School property shall include not only the actual buildings, facilities and grounds on the school campus, but also the school buses, school parking areas, any facility being used for a school function and any site of a school activity in which the Exeter Township School District is a participant.
- Staff shall be defined as administrator; school nurse; teacher; guidance counselor; support staff (secretaries, custodians, cafeteria staff, and aides); employees of any contracted group who works with students; athletic coach; or other educational or medical employee employed by the Exeter Township School District.
Drug & Alcohol Administrative Guidelines
The outline below describes the appropriate responses for affected school personnel in dealing with drug and alcohol incidents with students. It is understood that failure of a student to abide by the terms stipulated by Student Assistance Program (SAP) and/or outside agencies may result in a recommendation for expulsion from school. Such terms may include participation in a chemical awareness program or an intervention program provided by an outside agency.
Students involved in extracurricular programs should reference the Extracurricular Code of Conduct for additional information about disciplinary consequences affecting eligibility.
Situation/Category 1: A student volunteers information about personal drug or alcohol use to a staff member and seeks help.
- Immediate Action: Staff member contacts a SAP member.
- Investigation: SAP process is initiated; building administrator investigates as necessary.
- Notification of Parents: The parent is notified only with the consent of the student, unless there is a clear and imminent danger to the student.
- Notification of Police: Not applicable
- Disposition of Substance: Not applicable
- Discipline: No punitive action
- Rehabilitation: SAP support, as needed
Situation/Category 2: A student volunteers information about drug and alcohol use of another.
- Immediate Action: The information concerning the student identified as allegedly having the drug or alcohol problem is referred to SAP.
- Investigation: SAP process is initiated.
- Notification of Parent: Yes.
- Notification of Police: At the discretion of the Principal
Situation/Category 3: A staff member is concerned about inappropriate behavior, poor class performance, tardiness, absenteeism, etc. It may or may not be related to drug/alcohol abuse.
- Immediate Action: The staff member will try to handle the situation in consultation with SAP liaison and/or administrator; possible referral to SAP.
- Investigation: SAP process is initiated.
- Notification of Parents: Yes, if warranted.
- Notification of Police: At the discretion of the Principal
Situation/Category 4: A student displays symptoms of drug or alcohol use during school or at a school activity on or off school property. This situation will be treated as a medical emergency.
- Immediate Action: Staff member notifies an administrator. Standard health and first aid procedures will be followed. The nurse will be summoned immediately; the student may be transported to a medical facility at parental expense.
- SAP process is initiated.
- Investigation: The Principal will investigate the incident. This may include a search of the student, his/her locker, car and other possessions.
- Notification of Parents: Yes.
- Notification of Police: At the discretion of the Principal.
- Disposition of Substance: Confiscated for analysis, if warranted.
- Discipline: If there is evidence of violations, student is given 10 days of out-of-school suspension.
- Rehabilitation: Referral to SAP; assessment by a licensed drug and alcohol facility and/or the student assistance liaison within 10 days and compliance with its recommendation. (Note: Failure to comply with the assessment and recommendation will result in a referral to the Board of Education for an expulsion hearing.)
A release form must be signed by the student so that the SAP team can monitor the student’s treatment plan and a re-entry meeting is held before they return to school.
Situation/Category 5: A student possesses drugs, mood-altering substances, or alcohol at school or a school activity on or off school property.
- Immediate • Action: Staff member notifies an administrator. SAP process is initiated.
- Investigation: The student, his/her locker, car and other possessions may be searched. Staff member writes an anecdotal record.
- Notification of Parents: Yes. Immediate parental conference is arranged.
- Notification of Police: Yes.
- Disposition of Substance: Confiscated; analysis may be made for possible use in further proceedings.
- Discipline: Student is detained until a parent can accompany the student. In the case of an activity off school district property, such as a field trip, class trip or study trip, the student will be sent home at parental expense. Informal hearing; 10 days out-of-school suspension and placement in an alternative education program for a maximum of 45 days. (In accordance with the district discipline policy of the use of “appropriate interventions, behavior modification and punitive discipline,” in some cases students will have the opportunity for early return to the building upon completion of a restorative plan for self and school community under the supervision of an administrator.)
- Rehabilitation: Referral to SAP. Before the suspended student returns to school, parents and student must meet with a building administrator, school counselor and/or SAP team member. Assessment by a licensed drug and alcohol facility and/or the student assistance liaison within 10 days and compliance with its recommendation. A release form must be signed by the student so that the SAP team can monitor the student’s treatment plan and a re-entry meeting is held before he/she returns to school.
- If a student displays symptoms of drug or alcohol use again at school or any school activity (on or off school property), a 45 day alternative education placement and the possible recommendation for an expulsion hearing could take place.
Situation/Category 6: A student is distributing a drug, mood-altering substance or alcohol.
- Immediate Action: Principal is summoned.
- Investigation: The student, his/her locker, desk, car and other possessions may be searched. Staff member writes an anecdotal report of the incident.
- Notification of Parents: Yes. Immediate parental conference is arranged.
- Notification of Police: Yes.
- Disposition of Substance: Confiscated; analysis may be made for possible use in further proceedings.
- Discipline: Informal hearing; 10 days out-of-school suspension and placement in an alternative education program for a maximum of 45 days. (In accordance with the district discipline policy of the use of “appropriate interventions, behavior modification and punitive discipline,” in some cases students will have the opportunity for early return to the building upon completion of a restorative plan for self and school community under the supervision of an administrator.)
- Formal School Board hearing is held, with the recommendation of expulsion from school.
- Rehabilitation: Referral to SAP. Before the suspended student leaves for the 45 day placement, an assessment by a licensed drug and alcohol facility and/or the student assistance liaison within 10 days and compliance with its recommendation. A release form must be signed by the student so that the SAP team can monitor the student’s treatment plan. A release form must be signed by the student so that the SAP team can monitor the student’s treatment plan and a re-entry meeting is held before he/she can return to school.
Situation/Category 7: The student possesses drug-related paraphernalia. No evidence of use.
- Immediate Action: Administrator is notified. Paraphernalia is confiscated.
- Investigation: Staff member writes an anecdotal report. The student, his/her locker, car and other possessions will be searched. Confiscation of paraphernalia.
- Notification of Police: Administration’s discretion.
- Disposition of Substance: Analysis if warranted.
- Discipline: Informal hearing. Up to 10 days out-of-school suspension.
- Rehabilitation: Referral to SAP
Tobacco & Vaping Products
Per Exeter School Board Policy 222, the possession, use, purchase or sale of tobacco and vaping products, regardless of the presence of tobacco or nicotine, is prohibited on school property or during school-sponsored events. This includes the student use of tobacco cessation products and any form of medical marijuana. When vaping occurs on school grounds and/or during a school event, a student will receive supportive and disciplinary responses.
The Board prohibits hazing in connection with any student activity or organization regardless of whether the conduct occurs on or off school property or outside of school hours as outlined in Policy 247. No student, parent/guardian, coach, sponsor, volunteer or district employee shall engage in, condone or ignore any form of hazing. The Board encourages students who believe they, or others, have been subjected to hazing to promptly report such incidents to the building principal or designee
Dating Violence
Dating violence is inconsistent with the educational goals of the district and is prohibited at all times. The Board encourages students who have been subjected to dating violence to promptly report such incidents. The district shall investigate promptly all complaints of dating violence and shall administer appropriate discipline to any student who violates the expectations outlined in Policy 252.
Threat Assessment
The District has established threat assessment teams and procedures for assessing and intervening with students whose behavior may indicate a threat to the safety of the student, other students, school employees, school facilities, the community and others. Guidelines for threat assessment can be found in Policy 236.1.
Relationships Between Adults & Students
Inappropriate relationships between adults and students are unacceptable at the Exeter Township School District. Policies 248.1 and 824 describe and give examples of the types of behaviors between adults and unrelated students that are inappropriate so that there is no ambiguity about what behaviors are unacceptable.
Discrimination/Title IX Sexual Harassment Affecting Students & Harassment
Per Policy 248, the district prohibits all forms of unlawful harassment of students and third parties by all district students and staff members, contracted individuals, vendors, volunteers and third parties in the schools. The Board encourages students and third parties who have been harassed to promptly report such incidents to the designated employees. The Board directs that complaints of harassment shall be investigated promptly, and corrective action be taken when allegations are substantiated. Confidentiality of all parties shall be maintained, consistent with the district's legal and investigative obligations.
The Board declares it to be the policy of this district to provide an equal opportunity for all students to achieve their maximum potential through the programs and activities offered in the schools without discrimination on the basis of race, color, age, creed, religion, sex, sexual orientation, ancestry, national origin, marital status, pregnancy or handicap/disability (Policies 103, 103.1 and 104). The Board also declares it to be the policy of this district to comply with federal law and regulations under Title IX prohibiting sexual harassment, which is a form of unlawful discrimination on the basis of sex. The district is committed to the maintenance of a safe, positive learning environment for all students that is free from discrimination by providing all students course offerings, counseling, assistance, services, employment, athletics and extracurricular activities without any form of discrimination, including Title IX sexual harassment. Discrimination is inconsistent with the rights of students and the educational and programmatic goals of the district and is prohibited at or, in the course of, district-sponsored programs or activities, including transportation to or from school or school-sponsored activities.
Building & Campus Access
Students are encouraged to be involved in school activities. Students who are not involved in school activities should leave the building by 2:45PM. Outside of the school day, students should not be on campus unless they are participating in school-sponsored activities or engaged in an appropriate use of school facilities.
Dress Code
A student's attire can affect his/her attitude, academic performance and behavior, as well as that of others. Maintaining appropriate dress and grooming is a positive contributing factor in creating an educational environment that is conducive of meaningful academic study. Any type of dress that solicits undue attention, is unsafe, disrupts school or detracts from the learning environment is not acceptable. Students are expected to dress responsibly for school. Specific types of clothing and or accessories that are not permitted at Exeter Township School District include, but are not limited to the following:
- Clothing that is revealing or generally exposes private parts of the body.
- Clothing or jewelry that violates the Exeter Township School District Policy 218.1 is not to be worn in the building including; gloves, belts, bracelets and necklaces that feature sharp edges.
- Clothing or jewelry that promotes or makes reference to drugs, alcohol or tobacco.
- Clothing under which undergarments are visible.
- Clothing or jewelry that promotes or makes reference to weapons, violence, gang affiliation, sex, sexism and/or ethnic/racial prejudices.
- Clothing or jewelry with suggestive themes and or obscene pictures, words or gestures.
- Sunglasses may not be worn in the building unless they are transition lenses.
- Footwear must be worn at all times.
- Coats, hats, caps, bandanas or other head coverings are not to be worn in the building and should be removed during the school day.
- Head coverings worn for cultural, ethnic, religious, health or other reasons shall be considered exempt from this rule.
- In addition to the aforementioned criteria, the administration reserves the right to make a decision regarding the decency of student dress.
When a student’s dress is representative of a danger to his/her health, safety or welfare or creates a distraction to the learning environment, the administration will request that the student change his/her clothing. A violation of the dress code may result in disciplinary action. Students may be required to wear specific types of clothing while participating in physical education classes, technical education classes, internships, science laboratories, family consumer science classes and/or extracurricular activities.
Hallways & Bathroom
Students are expected to conduct themselves appropriately in hallways during and between class periods. Students are expected to be in class during class periods. Students in the hallways while classes are in session must have a hall pass from their teacher. Students are expected to respect classroom instruction. Cameras have been installed throughout the halls to assist in maintaining school safety.
Students should not be loitering or socializing in the bathrooms. Bathroom stalls are to be used by one student at a time.
The ETSH library provides a welcoming, safe place for all of Exeter's students to research, collaborate, learn and socialize by offering reliable and relatable digital and print resources and creating opportunities for independent and group study. It aims to build bridges not only between all students and available materials, but also between all students and the surrounding community.
Loan Periods
- Reference Books: Overnight loan books must be returned before Period 1.
- Books: 21 school-days loan
- Loan periods may need to be changed at the discretion of the librarian due to class assignments/projects.
Overdue Procedure
Students are encouraged to use the resources in our library and asked to return the items as soon as possible (and before they are due) so that others may use them. Overdue resources will be assessed a fine of 10 cents per day and may be limited in their loan privileges. The maximum fine is $10 per item; items that are not returned will be charged at the replacement cost.
Each student is issued a locker to store their personal and school-issued items. Students should be aware of several expectations and guidelines regarding lockers:
- For the health of others, please do not store food in your locker. Keep it clean.
- To promote security, do not share your locker or your locker combination. Keep your locker locked. But please understand that your locker cannot be counted on to be secure.
- Please understand that the lockers are subject to search if there is a reasonable suspicion of a danger to health or safety. Keep in mind that the locker is the school’s property.
- Please clean out your locker at the end of the year. Items that remain in lockers at the end of the year will be donated to charity or disposed of.
Locker Rooms
Locker rooms are for use by students during physical education class. To promote student safety and to protect students’ belongings, students are not permitted in locker rooms during the school day except when they have physical education class. Students who have a need to go to the locker room outside of PE class must speak to a PE teacher or check in the office.
Loss of Student Property
Students who suffer the loss of personal or school property should report the loss to the office immediately. We will provide assistance in finding or recovering the lost item to the extent that is reasonable or possible. Students are encouraged to understand that the school cannot be responsible for lost or stolen items.
Students are discouraged from bringing valuables, electronic devices or extra money to school.
Publicity & Public Relations
In order to conduct an effective public relations program, Exeter Township School District shares news about activities and events that occur within the schools. To do this, names and photos of students might be placed in district publications, as well as names, photos and video images could appear in the local media. Respecting the right to privacy, parents/guardians are asked to notify the student’s school office if there are any objections to their child’s name, photo or video image appearing in district publications (including the website or social media) or local media. It will be assumed that parental/guardian permission for the above activities is granted for the school year unless a written denial of permission is provided by the parent or guardian and is on file in the child’s school.
School Visitors
All visitors must report to the Main Office and obtain a visitor’s badge. Exeter Township School District uses the Raptor program to screen visitors; visitors will be required to submit a state-issued ID (e.g., driver’s license). Students wishing to visit Exeter must obtain permission from SHS administration.
Student Expression/Distribution & Posting of Materials
Policy 220 requires that distribution and/or posting of printed materials occur only in places and during times approved by the building principal.
Student Searches
Although we value students’ privacy, there are times that it is necessary to search a student if there is a reasonable suspicion that he/she is concealing or carrying something, possession of which is either in violation of the law or of school rules. Refer to Policy 226.
As part of such an investigation, the student will be given an opportunity to voluntarily disclose the suspected property prior to the search in the presence of at least two staff members, one of which is an administrator.
Reasonable Suspicion
In the school environment (and at school-sponsored activities), a search is permissible where a school official has reasonable suspicion, based on the totality of the circumstances, for suspecting that the search will reveal evidence that the student has violated either the law or rules of the school. Reasonable suspicion must be based on individualized suspicion of wrongdoing.
Search Policy Statement
To maintain order and discipline and to protect the safety and welfare of students and personnel, school authorities may search a student, student lockers or student automobiles under the circumstances outlined below and may seize illegal, unauthorized or contraband materials discovered in the search.
Personal Searches
A student’s person and/or personal effects (e.g., purse, book bag, cell phone, etc.) may be searched whenever a school official has reasonable suspicion to believe that the student is in possession of illegal or unauthorized materials.
Locker Searches
Student lockers are school property and remain at all times under the control of the school. Lockers may be searched whenever a school official has reasonable suspicion to believe that the student is in possession of illegal or unauthorized materials.
Automobile Searches
Students are permitted to park on school premises as a matter of privilege, not of right. The school retains authority to conduct routine patrols of the parking lots and inspections of the exteriors of automobiles on school property. The interiors of vehicles may be inspected whenever a school official has reasonable suspicion to believe that illegal activity or unauthorized material may be contained inside.
Bus Cameras
The Exeter Township School District School Policy 810.2 authorizes the use of video and audio recording on school buses and school vehicles.
Seizure of Illegal Materials
If a properly conducted search yields illegal or contraband materials, such findings shall be turned over to the proper legal authorities for ultimate disposition.
Textbooks - Lost & Damaged
Textbooks in Pennsylvania are purchased for student use at public expense. Each book is stamped on the inside of the front cover. Students are held responsible for the loss of or damage to school books and school property. Students must pay replacement costs for any damaged or lost textbooks.
Working Papers
Application for a work permit for a minor may be made online or at the Senior High office between the hours of 7:30AM and 2:30PM. Please contact the office at 610-779-3060. One of the following documents must be presented as evidence of age: birth certificate, driver's license or passport.
Cafeteria & Snacks
Lunchtime is an opportunity for students to eat and socialize. While lunch is a break from the academic day, students are expected to act responsibly to maintain an orderly, safe, and clean cafeteria for the sake of everyone else. Per Policy 808, the district recognizes that students require adequate, nourishing food and beverages in order to grow, learn and maintain good health. Students shall be provided with adequate space and time to eat meals during the school day.
In addition to following basic etiquette and respect, students are requested to follow a few guidelines in the cafeteria:
- Please have your barcode or number ready to scan at the register. This keeps the line moving.
- Food may be packed from home or purchased in our cafeteria.
- Food may not be delivered to school during the day for lunch. Delivery services such as “DoorDash,” “Grub Hub,” “Delivery Dudes,” etc. are disruptive to the work in the office and are prohibited during school hours.
- Please limit your movement around the cafeteria. Too much movement by too many students is disruptive.
- Food and drink should be consumed in the cafeteria. Please do not take food or drink to class.
- The cafeteria is the assigned location for lunch. Going elsewhere during lunch requires a pass or permission from the teacher on lunch duty.
- Seniors are permitted to eat outside at the designated tables.
- Students should use the bathrooms individually and quickly so others may have access. Students should not congregate in the bathrooms.
- Students may be assigned seats.
The elevator is available to students who are unable to climb the stairs due to a medical injury or illness. Keys will be distributed and collected through the main office. Students must have permission to use the elevator.
Counseling Office Services
Our Counseling Office is staffed by five counselors, a registrar and a secretary. Services offered by the department include:
- Career counseling
- Academic advisement
- College/vocational placement
- Standardized testing
- Personal counseling/support
- Student transfer/withdrawal
Students should realize that communications with their counselors are confidential in nature. However, each counselor has a responsibility for the health and well-being of the students within his/her charge. In crisis situations, the counselors will consult with others who are in a position to assist the student. In past situations, consults have included parents, administrators, community mental health agencies, drug and alcohol rehabilitation facilities, intermediate units, student assistance team members and local police. The Counseling Department takes a proactive role in the lives of the student body.
Pupil Services
Our Pupil Services Department’s focus is to help students and their families strive to succeed while they are students in our district. We work to help students eliminate any barriers to their social, educational and emotional wellbeing. Our department consists of the K-12 Students Supports Coordinator, Alycia Lenart, and District School Social Worker, Ashley Rinehart.
The K-12 student support coordinator is responsible for assisting students in the district with academic plans to eliminate barriers and connecting students across the district with mental health and substance use services.
The school social worker is responsible for identifying and working with any student who may fall under homeless status, foster care status or is experiencing education instability as defined by Act 1 (2022). The school social worker also works to provide students and their families with resources and services in the community.
Health Services
The goal of Health Services is to help students maintain optimal health status for academic success throughout their formal education. Visit the Exeter Township School District Health Services page on our website for further information regarding care at school, medications, immunization requirements, exams and screenings, as well as forms and documents.
Emergency Illness & Accident Care
First aid and rest facilities are provided. A registered nurse is a regular member of the staff. The teacher in charge of the class will give a student a pass admitting him/her to the first-aid room or office. If it is necessary to send the student to his/her home, a pass will be issued by the nurse or the Main Office informing his/her teachers of the action taken. Parents are responsible for providing transportation for the ill student to his/her home or to the doctor. Per ETSD physician standing order, crutches or other assistive ambulation devices must be ordered by a primary care physician (the doctor that treated the child). After the order is received by the building nurse, the student will be able to use the school elevator or chair lift to avoid stairs.
Food Allergy Management
Per Policy 209.1, the Board is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for students with severe or life-threatening food allergies and shall establish policy to address food allergy management in district schools in order to:
- Reduce and/or eliminate the likelihood of severe or potentially life-threatening allergic reactions.
- Ensure a rapid and effective response in the case of a severe or potentially life-threatening allergic reaction.
- Protect the rights of students by providing them, through necessary accommodations when required, the opportunity to participate fully in all school programs and activities, including classroom parties and field trips.
The focus of food allergy management shall be on prevention, education, awareness, communication and emergency response.
School Nurse
The school nurse is on duty at the high school from 7:20AM to 2:50PM. During this time, the nurse renders first aid for minor injuries, advises pupils in regard to other health problems and excludes pupils from school who have symptoms of communicable diseases.
Early Dismissal for Illness
When a student becomes ill during the school day, he or she must report to the school nurse to be checked. If the nurse determines the student should go home, the student will be allowed to leave. However, before the child leaves the school must contact the child’s parent(s) to inform him/her/them of the school’s intent to dismiss the student from school. If a parent is unavailable, the student will have to remain in school until contact can be made. If the school nurse is unavailable, the student must report to the Main Office for permission to leave. A student may not dismiss him/herself from school without permission.
Medications Guidelines
The district recognizes that parents have the primary responsibility for the health of their child/children. Although it is strongly recommended that medication be given at home, the district realizes that the health of some students requires that it be taken during school hours. Whenever possible, parents should confer with the family physician to arrange medication time intervals to avoid school hours. When it needs to be administered in school, the following procedures must be followed:
- No more than a 30-day supply of medication may be sent to school at any one time.
- Any prescription or over-the-counter (OTC) medication should be sent in the original container in which it was purchased with the child’s name, dosage to be given, and time to be given on it. An Authorization for Administration of Medication at School form should be completed and signed by the parent.
- Parents/guardians may be asked to obtain written permission from a physician for the nurse to administer an OTC medication in school.
- Medication should be given to the school nurse or school secretary as soon as the student arrives at school.
No medication is to be kept in the child’s possession (per Policy 210.1), with the exception of Epi-pens (Grade 7-12 only), inhalers (Grade 5-12 only), and any substance that a physician deems necessary for emergency treatment of a health condition. In order to keep the inhaler or Epi-pen in his/her possession, a student must provide to the school nurse a completed Asthma Action Plan (required for an inhaler) or Allergy Action Plan (required for an Epi-pen) signed by the parent/guardian and a physician for the student to self-administer, or a note from the physician that states that the student is competent to properly self-medicate. Any student (with the above mentioned signed parent and physician permission) shall notify the nurse as soon as possible after each self-administration of the medication. (Please stop by the nurse’s office for forms.)
Per Policy 823, as a means of enhancing the health and safety of its students, staff and visitors, the district may obtain, maintain and administer doses of an opioid antagonist and other facilities, specifically Naloxone, for emergency use to assist a student, staff member or other individual believed or suspected to be experiencing an opioid overdose consistent with Pennsylvania law.
The school board requires that all students participating in interscholastic sports be covered by school or personal insurance. The school purchases insurance coverage for students participating in all sports, band, band front, and cheerleading. Any accident requiring a doctor visit must be reported to the school nurse as soon as possible. Students are encouraged to acquire student accident insurance. Please see information in this form.
Student Wellness
The Exeter Township School District recognizes that student wellness and proper nutrition are related to students' physical well-being, growth, development and readiness to learn. The Board is committed to providing a school environment that promotes student wellness, proper nutrition, nutrition education and promotion and regular physical activity as part of the total learning experience as outlined in Policy 246. In a healthy school environment, students will learn about and participate in positive dietary and lifestyle practices that can improve student achievement.
The Exeter Township School Board and personnel value each member of the school community and believe that all individuals have the right to develop to their fullest potential. The Board and school personnel recognize that students may need help to develop to their fullest potential. This policy authorizes the establishment of the Exeter Township Student Assistance Program (SAP). The team will include teachers, a school nurse, a school counselor and administrators. The team will also include a liaison from a licensed drug and alcohol facility and/or a mental health facility. The Pennsylvania Student Assistance Program (SAP) is a systematic team process used to mobilize school resources to remove barriers to learning. The SAP team utilizes a systematic process, along with specially trained school personnel, to intervene and refer these students to appropriate in-school and/or community services. The primary goal of the Student Assistance Program (SAP) is to help students overcome these barriers so that they may achieve, advance and remain in school. The student assistance process is based upon state guidelines, professional standards and policies and procedures adopted by the local school board of directors. Refer to Policy 236.
How does SAP work?
The core of the program is a professionally trained school staff and a Student Assistance Specialist from Caron Treatment Centers. Student participation in the program is usually voluntary and is meant to be a support service for all students. All information regarding a student’s involvement in the program is confidential and maintained for the best interest of the student.
Students can be referred for different reasons:
- Exhibiting signs of mental health concerns including the risk of suicide
- Serious behavioral concerns
- Drop in school performance
- Violation of the district’s drug and alcohol policy
- Concerns of alcohol or substance abuse
Student referrals are confidential and can be made by:
- School personnel
- Parents or guardian
- Friends
- Themselves
- Outside agencies
What is the parent’s role?
The SAP team recognizes the importance of the parent’s role in the child’s well-being and success. With the exception of emergencies, parental notification and permission is required before any services are initiated.
During the process, the parent will be asked to:
- Return a signed permission form
- Complete a parental questionnaire
- Follow through promptly with recommendations from the school and/or agency staff
How do I make a referral?
Please contact your child’s school counselor.
Services offered by the SAP team:
- Support Groups
- Comprehensive Behavioral Health Assessments
- Parent meetings with a SAP Specialist from Caron
- Re-entry meetings when a student is returning from an out of district placement
- Check-in, check-out
- Mental health and substance use and abuse prevention and education
- Referrals to outside agencies or in school resources when warranted
When to make a referral:
It may be time to make a referral if you notice these signs:
- Severe drop in grades
- Cutting school
- Change in personal appearance
- Erratic behavior
- Social, emotional or behavioral concerns
- Suspicion of alcohol or substance abuse
- Change in eating or sleeping habits
- Threatens harm to oneself or others
- If you recognize any of these signals or have other concerns for your child’s well-being, please make a referral to the school’s SAP team.
Safe 2 Say Something is a youth violence prevention program run by the Pennsylvania Office of the Attorney General. The program teaches youth and adults how to recognize warning signs and signals, especially within social media, from individuals who may be a threat to themselves or others and to “say something” before it is too late. In 2018, the General Assembly passed Act 44 mandating the establishment and use of the “Safe2Say Something” (S2SS) anonymous reporting system by every Pennsylvania school entity.
S2SS works through five steps:
- A tip is submitted via mobile app, website or by calling the PA-based 24/7 crisis center.
- The tip is then triaged by the crisis center to gather enough information to act on it.
- The tip is delivered to the impacted school and, as needed, local law enforcement via 911 county dispatch.
- The school and, as needed, local law enforcement assess and intervene with the at-risk individual.
- The school then closes out the tip and reports actions taken as a record for their school.
If there are concerns during school hours, please speak with a trusted teacher, counselor or administrator. After school hours, please use one of the following methods to report a concern:
- Phone 1-844-723-2729
- WEB:
- APP: Safe2Say Something
Computer System Use Agreement
ETSD provides its students with up-to-date computing resources to help them prepare for their futures in the world in which they will be living. These resources include classroom computers, access to computer networks and connections to the Internet. For a complete copy of the Acceptable Use Policy, please refer to the district website and review Policy 815.
Definition of Terms:
ETSD Computer System is the technology system made up of all computers, computer networks, peripheral devices, supporting software and connection to the Internet that is used for the instruction of our students and the management of information throughout the district. The Internet is an electronic highway connecting thousands of computers all over the world and millions of individual subscribers. Students and/or staff have access to the Internet through service provided by ETSD. This access can be limited, suspended or revoked for violation of the district’s acceptable use policy.
Computer System Acceptable Use Policy
The Board supports the use of technology in the district's instructional program in order to facilitate learning, teaching and daily operations through interpersonal communications and access to information, research and collaboration in a safe and effective manner that complies with the law, regulations and our mission as a public school.
This policy applies to all users of all district information technology resources, including--but not limited to--desktop and laptop computers, whether the resource is used on- or off-site, and personally-owned equipment in use on site.
The Board declares that computer and network use is a privilege, not a right. The district’s computer and network resources are the property of the district. Users shall have no expectation of privacy in anything they create, store, send, delete, receive or display on or over the district’s Internet, computers or network resources, including personal files or any use of the district’s Internet, computers or network resources. The district reserves the right to monitor, track and log network access and use; monitor fileserver space utilization by district users; deny access to prevent unauthorized, inappropriate, or illegal activity; and may revoke access privileges and/or administer appropriate disciplinary action. The district shall cooperate to the extent legally required with the Internet Service Provider (ISP), local, state and federal officials in any investigation concerning or related to the misuse of the district’s Internet, computers and network resources.
The Board requires all users to fully comply with this policy and to immediately report any violations or suspicious activities to the Senior High administration.
The district reserves the right to restrict access to any Internet sites or functions it deems inappropriate through established Board policy, or the use of software and/or online server blocking. Specifically, the district operates and enforces a technology protection measure(s) that blocks or filters access to inappropriate matter by minors on its computers used and accessible to adults and students. The technology protection measure shall be enforced on any district-owned, internet-ready technology assets in use on- or off-campus.
Users of district networks or district-owned equipment shall, prior to being given access or being issued equipment, sign user agreements acknowledging awareness of the provisions of this policy, and awareness that the district uses monitoring systems to monitor and detect inappropriate use. Student user agreements shall also be signed by a parent/guardian.
Users are expected to act in a responsible, ethical and legal manner in accordance with district policy, accepted rules of network etiquette and federal and state law. Specifically, the following uses are prohibited:
- Facilitating illegal activity.
- Bullying/cyberbullying.
- Hate mail, discriminatory remarks and offensive or inflammatory communication.
- Unauthorized or illegal installation, distribution, reproduction or use of copyrighted materials.
- Accessing, sending, receiving, transferring, viewing, sharing or downloading obscene, pornographic, lewd or otherwise illegal materials, images or photographs.
- Inappropriate language or profanity.
- Transmission of material likely to be offensive or objectionable to recipients.
- Intentional obtaining or modifying of files, passwords and data belonging to other users.
- Impersonation of another user, anonymity and pseudonyms.
- Loading or using unauthorized games, programs, files or other electronic media.
- Disruption of the work of other users.
- Destruction, modification, abuse or unauthorized access to network hardware, software and files.
- Accessing the Internet, district computers or other network resources without authorization.
- Disabling or bypassing the Internet blocking/filtering software without authorization.
- Accessing, sending, receiving, transferring, viewing, sharing or downloading confidential information without authorization.
Failure to comply with this policy or inappropriate use of the Internet, district network or computers shall result in usage restrictions, loss of access privileges and disciplinary action, up to and including, suspension or expulsion for students.
Student-Initiated use of Livestream Video
Per Policy 815.2, the district prohibits student-initiated use of livestream video at any time during the school day or at any school-sponsored event that is not open to the general public, unless the building administrator has authorized the use of livestream video with written consent.
Electronic Devices, Cell Phones & Earbuds
Students who choose to bring personal electronic devices are responsible for their use and safekeeping. See policy 237.
We recognize that cell phones are arguably a necessary part of our daily lives and students who choose to bring personal cell phones to school are expected to use them responsibly. This includes not using them during instructional time and not engaging in communication or social media activity that may interfere with other students’ instruction and learning.
Students can be on their cell phones before school, between classes, during lunch, and after school. Students are not permitted to use cell phones while they are in classes.
Each classroom at the Senior High is equipped with a phone caddy that hangs on the wall. Students are expected to place cell phones in the phone caddy as they enter the classroom and store their earbuds in their personal belongings.
Students are expected not to have their phones or earbuds on them during instructional time.
Failure to follow this policy will result in disciplinary action that can result in phone restriction during school hours.
Automobile Regulations
Students driving vehicles to school must register their vehicles by submitting the parking application form to the main office. The expectations for safe driving and parking are described on the form.
Bus Regulations
Students play an important role in school bus safety. It is the responsibility of everyone on the bus to follow the rules and to avoid distractions that prevent the driver from focusing on the road.
- All school rules and regulations apply to the school bus.
- The school bus driver has the authority to assign all seats on the school bus.
- Students are to keep all parts of their bodies and all objects inside the school bus at all times.
- Students must keep all objects (book bags, instruments, projects, etc.) on their laps, not in the aisle. If an object is too large for a student’s lap, it is the parents’ responsibility to transport the object.
- Students must transport all athletic equipment in the appropriate bags.
- Students must stay in their assigned seats with their feet on the floor. Standing is not permitted.
- Students may not yell, use profane language, talk loudly or make loud noises.
- Skateboards, street hockey sticks, roller skates/blades or any other objects not used in the school curriculum are not allowed on the school bus.
- Students may not eat, drink, chew gum or smoke/vape on the school bus.
- Students should help keep the school bus clean and not damage or deface any part of the school bus.
- It is recommended that students be at their bus stop five minutes prior to their scheduled pickup time.
- Items brought on the school bus that violate the transportation rules are subject to confiscation.
- Students must enter school immediately upon arrival to campus.
Consequences for failing to obey the rules on the school bus may include a verbal reprimand or seat assignment by the driver, a discipline referral to the building administrator and/or parent notification. According to the Pennsylvania Department of Education, school districts are not required to transport students. Consequently, severe or repeated misconduct may result in a loss of bus-riding privileges for a specified period of time; parents will be responsible for providing transportation.
Parent Notification - School Bus Cameras
Activity on ETSD buses is recorded on cameras that capture both audio and video. The video/audio cameras are used to monitor behavior and maintain safety on our buses. Students and parents are hereby notified that audio and video recording is occurring while students are on the bus as outlined through guidelines in Policy 810.2.
Electronic Transportation, Skateboards & Rollerblades
Students are not permitted to use skateboards, "roller shoes" or rollerblades on ETSH campus. Students traveling to or from school via these means must store them in their lockers or the office. Students who use gas or electric bikes and scooters must abide by transportation laws of the road while on campus.