Health & Safety Update: Contact Tracing
As you are aware, over the last few weeks Berks County’s COVID-19 positivity rate has more than doubled due to the highly transmissible Omicron variant. During this time, more people than ever before are COVID-19 positive in the Exeter community with multiple opportunities to become infected with this contagious illness both in and out of school buildings.
As we continue to count, monitor, report and contact trace COVID-19 rates in our school district, we have decided to discontinue personal phone calls to parents who have children who have been identified as a close contact of someone at school who tested positive for COVID-19 and continue with parent outreach and notification via ParentSquare. Please know that parents will receive a detailed email, a text and a recorded phone call with information about their child’s exposure, COVID-19 symptoms to look for, and quarantine options. As always, parents will also be encouraged to call the school nurse or their building principal should they have further concerns or questions.
Reducing the number of calls that our principals and nursing staff are making daily will allow them to get back to what they do best: Work with and care for your children when they’re at school.
We appreciate your continued support. Thank you.
Exeter Students Earn National Recognition in Noetic Learning Math Contest

Congratulations to Exeter students Henry Starr and Landon Green (both 3rd Grade), Declan Cogan (4th Grade) and Eleanor Jenkins (5th Grade) for earning National Honor Roll in the Fall 2021 Noetic Learning Math Contest. Students who earned the distinction of National Honor Roll placed in the top 10% of all contestants in the semiannual challenge, which is a problem-solving contest where more than 16,000 elementary and middle school students from across 44 states are given 45 minutes to solve 20 problems. They received medals for their well-earned achievements!
Other Exeter students who earned recognition by earning Honorable Mentions (top 50% in the nation) and for participating were:
Honorable Mention:
Anthony Cocchimiglio
Owen Kercher
Honorable Mention:
Paige Bergey
Ari Bluestone
Ashleigh Campbell
Emma Dickerson
Ian Littlefield
Nora LaRosse
Ben Luckenbill
Brayden McCarthy
Lily McCord
Hannah Schick
Kiersten Schower
Peyton Shirey
Colton Symonds
Juliana Wegman
Honorable Mention:
Carter Benfer
Ava Burkhart
Aubrey Cocuzza
Andrew Correll
Colette Jordan
Erik Lubenow
Joelle Stoltzfus
Michael Cammarano
Chase Delewski
Sixth Grade Team Winner: Zander Bogust & Logan Heckler
Honorable Mention:
Lena Bluestone
Zander Bogust
Logan Heckler
Michael Jordan
Maxwell Lloyd
Joseph Peroni
David Vega
Lily Jordan
Chloe LaRiviere
Logan Moore
Jacinda Motley
Daniel Roberts
James Semo
Congratulations to our Exeter students!
Reiffton ranks nationally in First in Math

Mrs. Kimberly Kardos' 5th grade class gets ready to challenge one another during daily First in Math practice. Mrs. Kardos says that FIM allows her students to gain a deeper understanding of mathematics in a motivational environment.
Featuring hundreds of engaging math games designed to strengthen fact fluency, automaticity, computational thinking and other critical skills, First in Math offers Exeter students in grades K-8 a fun and competitive new way to learn addition, algebra, subtraction, division and other problem-solving techniques. But it's also offered Reiffton students something else in addition to some serious math skills: National-level bragging rights.
By competing with other students across the nation, Reiffton students collectively earned the distinction of ranking THIRD in the nation for 6th Grade, and NINTH in the nation for 5th Grade in First in Math. Additionally, the school recently earned the following state honors:
- Top 100 Students All Grades: Reiffton 12th
- Top 200 Students All Grades: Reiffton 7th
- Top 500 Students All Grades: Reiffton 4th
- Top Schools - Grade 5: Reiffton 6th
- Top Schools - Grade 6: Reiffton 3rd
- Top 10 Teachers: Reiffton 75th
Mrs. Kimberly Kardos, who teaches 5th Grade at Reiffton, says that First in Math (FIM) has offered students a unique way to learn more than just math as students engage and collaborate with each other unlike ever before. "The students enjoy discovering new games and teaching each other how to play them. They've even created video tutorials in order for their classmates to learn and try new games. Not only do they enjoy creating the videos for their classmates, but they also enjoy watching them. It has been amazing how they share videos across the two classrooms--and that has been so helpful for me as well to learn about all of the different games that the program offers." Mrs. Kardos says all students--regardless of their math level--can succeed at FIM since the program offers differentiated skill levels to challenge all abilities. Student achievement in the program can be ranked at multiple levels including district, state and national rankings. Mrs. Kardos says that students love the challenge of competing against other students and are driven to succeed to the next level or goal that they have set for themselves individually. "They are so proud when they earn gold and silver stars for mastering skills or when they become the FIM Player of the Day!"
Senior High Internship Program Renews Efforts to Recruit Businesses & Students

For nearly a quarter of a century, Lorane’s Health & Physical Education teacher Mr. Mark Ricketts focused his professional career on building young and healthy bodies. But at the start of the 2021-22 school year, Mr. Ricketts made the leap to the Senior High to build something entirely new: An internship program. Settled into his new role for nearly half a school year now, Mr. Ricketts was thrilled to discuss the progress he’s made, the enthusiasm and experiences of the 11th and 12th grade students he’s overseeing in the program, and the community business connections he’s forged. We sat down recently with him to discuss this new endeavor, which is a key initiative in the Exeter Township School District’s new goal of 100% of students reading at grade level by the end of 3rd grade, 100% of students performing math proficiently by the end of 7th grade and 100% of students graduating on time.
Thanks for meeting with us today to talk about this new initiative. Your new position seems to be a big leap from being an elementary Health & Physical Education teacher to now building a Senior High internship program. Why did you decide to make this change?
I will always love my time working with elementary students and watching them develop their foundational physical and health-related skills and understanding. However, I decided to make the change from elementary teacher to Career Internship Facilitator because I saw the potential of the program and was excited to build up an important asset available to the students of our district. I have a passion for working with students and the opportunity to work with all of our juniors and seniors was too good to pass up. I also saw a great opportunity to build stronger ties with businesses and organizations in and around the Exeter community.
In the short time you’ve been able to focus on developing and growing this program, you’ve brought on more than 50 businesses who are willing to host Exeter interns, which is remarkable! Can you tell me about some experiences that you're really excited to highlight?
There are too many to list, but I'd be glad to highlight a couple. One of our interns works at Exeter Veterinary Hospital and has already been offered a job this summer. Celebration Villa of Exeter (formerly Elmcroft) is another business that has opened its doors and will be hosting two of our interns in the spring. Another intern is currently training in management for merchandising and fashion at Aerie in the Philadelphia Premium Outlets. The Humane Society of Reading has also generously offered our students internships this spring and coming school year. There really is something for everyone. We have a number of Exeter businesses that have been so kind–it shows me how many caring and kind professionals we have in our community.
Are there any internship opportunities that have been difficult to find? What are some of your biggest obstacles right now?
Yes! There are some career areas that are more difficult to find internships for, such as engineering, criminal justice/law, architecture/interior design, graphic and fashion design, accounting, etc. Some specialized fields, such as aviation, can also be difficult to find opportunities for interns, too. Since we’re still a growing program, there also aren’t a lot of businesses who are aware that we have this opportunity and how easy it is to host an intern until I reach out to them. Similarly, there are some students who don’t understand how valuable an internship is for them and how this opportunity is for all students–those who plan to enter the workforce and those who plan to enter college.
Do you think there’s an opportunity for people in the Exeter community to help you grow the program?
Absolutely! I think everyone in the Exeter community could help our students in two ways: First, I'm always looking for help in spreading the word about our program. Talking to family, friends, and business contacts about our program could open opportunities for our students. Secondly, they could help by reaching out to me with any contacts they know at businesses within 25 minutes of the Senior High so that I could get in touch with their contact to inquire if their business, or the business they work at, would be willing to host a junior or senior intern. Often, finding the right contact is the best way to grow our list of willing business partners and the internship program.
How would people get in touch with you if they wanted to pass along a business contact or get more information?
Thanks for asking! They can reach me by email at or they can call me at 484-663-3831.
Registration for Spring Sport Physicals Now Available
Registration for Spring Sports Physicals is now open. Physicals will take place on Wednesday, February 16, 2022 from 6PM to 8PM at Commonwealth Orthopedic Associates, 11 Fairlane Road in Exeter.
To register, please complete the following steps:
- Make a spring sports physical exam appointment HERE
- Please bring exact change or check for $20 to the appointment. Your check can be made payable to ETSD with the athlete's name, grade, and sport on memo line.
BEFORE your appointment, you've successfully registered for the spring sport on Please remember that all student athletes must register themselves on, and link accounts with their parent/guardian prior to the official sports start date (independent of this appointment process for physicals). Please do not create more than one student account per student as it will disable your existing accounts and you'll need to contact for help. - You've pre-printed PIAA Section 6 Health History form (completed before arrival) and a blank PIAA Section 7 Physical Exam Form. You can print this from once you've successfully registered at To do so, please go into Athletic Forms, fill out Section 6, then while on that page click on Print/Upload, then click Print. The above forms will print. There will be no printing available on-site.
- You've brought and are wearing a mask that covers your nose and mouth at all times while inside the COA building.
Please set aside at least 15 minutes to register for the sport with your student on
Following the exam, all athletes are responsible for uploading their Section 7 to their PlanetHS portal. All other forms (Sections 1-6 & Emergency Info) should be completed online, not uploaded pictures of them. Paper copies will not be accepted. Only PIAA Section 7 Physical Exam forms will be approved. No DOH drivers license exam forms, nor well child visit reports will be approved.
If you experience trouble using PlanetHS, please contact support service at - Exeter Township Athletics staff are unable to assist in this process.
The staff who approves and denies forms will begin working on this process at approximately 1PM daily upon their arrival.
Please upload and complete your forms prior to the deadline dates listed below:
- SHS day 1 - March 7th (deadline to submit March 1)
- JHS day 1 - March 21st (deadline to submit March 15)
Thank you.